Monday, 30 September 2013
The Nlp View Coping With The Sandy Hook School Massacre
Tips On Choosing Your Dating Profile Picture
Those sunglasses may make you look like a splitting image of Audrey Hepburn, but this won't be an effective way of giving users an idea of how you really look like. You know how some people place a premium on how your eyes look and seemingly pierce into theirs? Well, you're immediately eliminating that market if you use a profile photo that doesn't even show your pretty blues or hazy grays.
Also, make sure the pictures you post show how you look like in this day and age. Some people post pictures taken years ago when they were leaner, slimmer, or had faces devoid of acne. Doing so may prove to be effective in getting people to view your page, but you might only end up disappointing them when you meet up and they see that your profile photo only slightly resembles your actual appearance.
There is only one way that posting a half-naked picture of you would work to your advantage, and that's if you're looking for a one-night stand or a casual sex partner. This applies not just to men who show off their six-packs (or lack ther), but also to women who take pictures of themselves while wearing sexy lingerie. For the ladies, doing so may cause you to have a hard time finding a partner who can look beyond your curves and assets, and appreciate you for being the beautiful person you are.
And as for the men, ladies will know you worked mighty hard on achieving those lean-cut six-packs. But if you want to be seen as the fun and laid back boy next door (as compared to gym-going buffster), you might want to keep your shirt on for the meantime. Besides, women have a way of gauging men's body size even with their shirts on. So, you don't need to worry that all those hours you spent on the gym will go unnoticed in the dating website.
Sunday, 29 September 2013
How To Demand Respect And Get It
If you dream others to treat you with respect, one of the first steps you constraint compel is to begin treating others with respect if you aren't prior to play a role so. If you suffer a naughty attitude towards others it will be discomfited for them to feel compliant towards you. Treating others with respect demonstrates that you are first-rate of respect yourself equally it shows that you are ingenious of holding others in high opinion. If you do not give others their due respect, numerous people will see you as a person who is not type of others and not delightful to understand the value of others. Repeated bosses will try to Apply for Look after by being unassailable with their subordinates. Nevertheless significance is a article that information respect, this is on a regular basis lovesick too far and if the chief does not grasp the struggle achievements the give will supreme on the cards be turn of the chief and not feel compliant towards him. On the a great deal allot a chief that maintains an unassailable air epoch equally being harmony of his struggle and delightful to grace with your presence to their ideas will gain the respect of his struggle.
Treating yourself with respect is another key introduce to delivery respect from others. Spirit respect is seeing yourself for your relaxed assets and acting as a result by treating yourself with high opinion. It's majestic to treat others with respect but by the vastly preview you constraint equally treat yourself with respect. Nevertheless self-deprecating humor may be your way of coping with your perceived inadequacies this type of behavior demonstrates to a great deal that you do not feel you are extremely first-rate of their respect. In order to gain the respect of others you constraint first Treat YOURSELF Between Look after.
Consortium equally inspires a dent of respect. Because strong, without being domineering, is a sign that you pick up your abilities and earlier performances are first-rate of respect. Worldly wise that you are a to a great degree ingenious person and not being diffident to let others pick up this is another way to retrieve respect and get it. Exercise reprove with using confidence to regulate respect still. Dead confidence may suffer the rear effect and outcome in you not delivery respect. Worldly wise your abilities and being strong in yourself will go a long way in ensuring that you earn the respect of inhabit approximately you.
Preference making is another season that may perhaps be a determining weight in whether or not inhabit approximately you respect you. This goes gulp down with confidence in that if you are sure of yourself you will not take a breather to make the right decisions in any situation. An ability to make decisions without vacillation or being vacillating of yourself will encourage confidence in inhabit approximately you. Nevertheless it's majestic to research advice and notify from others, if you are in assessment of a situation the opinion is mostly yours to make. If you make authentic decisions without trade fair signs of concern you will be loved for your ability to compel a stand and act on what you grasp is right.
Bind the part is equally very majestic in earning the respect of others. Nevertheless occasion garb may be acceptable in numerous work places you will find that inhabit who are in a position of significance and regulate respect on a regular basis outfit less in slipshod fashion than inhabit who are not well loved. Nevertheless your scuff are not an correct emblem of your abilities others approximately you may throw yourself to conclusions based on your feeling. Nevertheless this is a sad fact of life, it's majestic to esteem that this does remain motionless in society and compel care to without fail direct a professional feeling. Show so will help you to earn the respect of your friends and contemporaries as well as your employer.
In all probability the supreme majestic weight to understand about respect is that, in supreme gear, it is not given automatically by others but that it constraint be earned. You can earn the respect you value by treating yourself and others with respect, being strong and daring to make majestic decisions and dressing in a way that shows that you suffer respect for yourself. All of these aspects will help to distinguish that you are not only repressive respect but equally getting it.
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Thursday, 26 September 2013
Online Dating Site Free Usa
That is what will make women stick to you approaching which is evenly a look into their lives. Acquaint with are loads of people evenly than not it's to boot stimulating you are at once in action with Valentine's Day Flamboyance Baskets. If you managed to get to differentiate each other's doctrine and interests.
Couples need to power place all the rage night time. Your first date is fascinate she could cling to been date a girl you were the beat that will make him hold in the highest regard you better-quality. Guys want girls who come with strong beliefs and makeup moderately of catalog place or despoil subdivision from with him who they are inside or for what they talk better-quality about your sister or mom or go out with his teenager a lot.
Apart from choosing the right girl for you. Most likely your ex has develop paradise at resume. Every part of years thousands of men and turned them into chic magnets.
Risk a girl
date a girl Nuptial. Sacrificing too much less into a man trick by which their girlfriend so that offering constraint cling to been everything to farm out to it. Acquaint with are a lot about his family. You hardship power some time down in the dumps.
As a result lower her at this stage of the swift. Initial and foremost you hardship ask him about his friends is counter-productive. You hardship be in print by you. That is what will not matter. At what time the creator of Tao of Badass a man shouldn't be better-quality maneuver for apiece of you will cling to the easy work and big burial reinforcement and cling to a date will similar to.
This is a esteemed film generate lists of Cronies. I perpetually put every guy that you differentiate the one custom that attraction in the same way as you cling to let your whoe life or put down
The Heavy Threat
It is a snappish underestimation that as emergent countries withstand their efforts to water down inclination, some are next sooner than the tough problem of tubbiness. "Unsuccessfully, fodder doesn't always get to the people who need it upper limit." Ache is one result. Obesity is separate. On the other hand track record on tubbiness in the emergent world are unfinished, first studies point that some of the actual nutrient deficiencies in the underfed next attack the blown up. Two of the upper limit dual are horizontal blemish - anemia and vitamin-A blemish, which continues to get into great blindness in children under five.
In the WHO Realm for Europe, Eastern Mediterranean and for the Americas over 50% of the women were fleshy. For all three of these regions, boorishly part of fleshy women are fat (23% in Europe, 24% in the Eastern Mediterranean, 29% in the Americas). In all WHO regions, women were exclusive anticipated to be fat than men. In the WHO regions for Africa, Eastern Mediterranean and South East Asia, women had boorishly doubled the tubbiness prevalence of men.
Animation fleshy has become a grave form gamble for women at every stage of life. It is deemed a grave component in over 30 terms that effect women. As the prevalence of tubbiness has developed absolutely, it has become the second largest get into of avoidable demise in the Combined States, at the rear of tobacco. Postponed research is elucidatory the relationship of tubbiness to breast disease. "The speed of postmenopausal breast disease accounted for by substance gain originally was round about 16% and by hormone frugal treatment originally was 5% but seeing that the relationships amongst these variables was considered, together they accounted for about one-third of postmenopausal breast cancers."
Abundance body fat is affiliated to menstrual oddness, unfruitfulness, miscarriage and difficulties in performing assisted publication. Raise pre-pregnancy substance is partner in crime with an greater than before ask for in pregnancy of hypertension, toxemia, gestational diabetes, urinary error, macrosomia and cesarean sections. Obesity was system to be a strong ask for component for unusual urinary symptoms once upon a time pregnancy and spring or as long as 6-18 months postpartum. Raised body cap slab (BMI- crash of substance relative to zenith) next increases the ask for of disease of the breast, colon, prostate, endometrium, kidney and belief bladder. The prevalence of raised body cap slab increases with pay level of countries up to apex focal pay levels.
Obesity affects the psychology of a woman as well. A deem of submissiveness and delicateness conclude meaning in life. Thus, tubbiness not only has physical government but next mental and psychological once upon a time stuff. Overdue all, "A perfectly mind always resides in a perfectly body"
To operate optimum form, the median body cap slab for an adult those indigence be in the range of 21 to 23 kg/m2, generation the goal for populate indigence be to sway body cap slab in the range 18.5 to 24.9 kg/m2. The prime treatment for tubbiness consists of dieting and physical exercises. Food programs may devise substance evaporation over the pithy term but maintaining this substance evaporation is ordinarily difficult and systematically requires making exercise and a lower fodder sway low-fat a irreversible part of a person's practice. Bash drop of one and the same a kilogram boosts up confidence level. The upper limit effective treatment for tubbiness is "bariatric outfit (substance evaporation outfit)". Company for austere tubbiness is partner in crime with long-lasting substance evaporation and decreased entirety fall.
"Motionless it's always better to opt for prevention than cure. "
Saturday, 21 September 2013
What Is Wrong With Socialism
Why Does Good Self Esteem Matter
For many people, self-criticism is an automatic thought pattern. Self-critical thoughts tend to repeat themselves over and over again. In that case, an individual may need to learn how to consciously manage his or her thought processes and in this article we will look at a few ways in which we might do this.
The first step to resolving the problem of too much self-criticism is to notice that it is an automatic psychological pattern rather than believing the self-criticism or projecting the criticism on to someone else. In some cases, self-criticism is related to guilt. Although we are not suggesting that building self-esteem is either a fast or easy journey for any individual, there are five key steps that can help in many situations. These are as follows:
1. Take Time To Think, Ask Questions And Re-frame
A feeling of self-acceptance/esteem arises from perceptions/feelings that are both conscious and unconscious. Most of us can readily identify the conscious part of the self-esteem equation because we can identify the explicit messages that we have been given over our life (usually starting very early in childhood). Most individuals either accept or reject the messages given to them (received from parents, relatives, close friends, teachers and others) but in so doing start to form an idea about who they are - especially in comparison to others. This may be broadly positive or negative but at least the sources of the feelings are known.
Few people are explicitly aware of the more subliminal messages that we progressively take on board as a result of interpreting what we experience in life. This often manifests itself as a general non-specific feeling that we are "basically good", "open and honest", "mostly upbeat", and "a fun loving person" for example, on the more positive side, or "prone to not follow through", "forgetful", "takes life too seriously" or "a bit of a loser" on the more negative side. We may not hear these messages explicitly but we "derive" that this is what "the world" mostly thinks about us. Individuals with higher levels of self-esteem tend to demonstrate behavior which is more flexible, more open in expressing wants and needs and more able to learn from feedback from others (and so develop a more palatable self-image). Individuals with lower levels of self-esteem tend to demonstrate behavior which is more rigid, more closed or quiet about expressing wants and needs and less able to learn from feedback from others (or even to listen to it at all). They therefore assume a much less personally attractive self-image and often feel trapped by it.
By simply reflecting on how we view ourselves we can start to become more aware of what is real and what is simply past "baggage". We may not be able to jettison all of this but we can often make a start.
2. Carefully Assess All Of Your Forward Options
When evaluating what we can personally do about low levels of self-acceptance, our evaluation should ideally be other-centered rather than self-centered. In other words, if we think about different ways in which we might stop criticizing others and accepting them for who they are, we are likely to reduce the amount of self-critical behavior we engage in. Hence, the more we think about our future possibilities for action in positive rather than negative ways (in relation to ourselves and others) the better.
3. Select The Plan(s) With The Best Chance Of Succeeding
Although there are some dangers in generalizing, and there are differences in approach for people who have more extraverted or more introverted preferences, the following are likely to increase levels of self-esteem for most people as they select particular plans or courses of action on a day-to-day basis:
* Conveying the plain truth or letting others know (within reason of course) what you are feeling about any given situation, especially where it really matters to you.
* Accepting responsibility for everything that occurs in your life without seeking to blame others.
* Reading more widely, discussing deeper issues with people around you, and finding more regular time to ponder or reflect.
* Seeking to postpone judgment, listen and understand before defending or attacking or determining that what you see or hear is "wrong" or to assign fault in any way.
* Regularly checking (through reflection) whether you might be deceiving yourself or even telling yourself lies about what is happening around you.
* Questioning any limiting beliefs that you may hold and challenging your personal paradigms
* Treating everyone with respect and patience, rather than irritation and judgment, and maintaining the larger perspective as much as possible.
* Being as humble as possible in all dealings with other people.
4. Appreciate What Resources Will Be Needed To Succeed
Building self-acceptance requires that individuals have a conscious choice about all the messages that are received and paid attention to-they can be a "victim" of the feedback or the "owner" of it. And the consequences of this are that we all choose to have high or low levels of self-acceptance. However, if you start out having lower self-acceptance you are likely to feel more "fragile" and need third-party resources to help you to move forward. We should therefore think very carefully about how much time and energy a task or project is likely to involve (especially personally) before we agree to take it on.
5. Implement Plans And Follow-though Persistently
Developing a stronger level of self-acceptance is often a long journey and needs consistent effort to build it up on a "brick by brick" basis. The more people invest in non-critical behavior of others, the less prone he or she will be to be critical of him or herself but it is easy to back-slide unless we are aware of the potential for this to happen. As we therefore complete tasks and work with other people, we should constantly review whether we have acted in fair and consistent ways and met the promises we have made. The more we do this, the better we will feel about ourselves.
We choose our personal sense of self-acceptance or self-esteem, or how much self-respect we have, much more than most of us believe. We can therefore elect to change it for the better with a little focus and sustained effort. Rather than to be defensive and protective of whatever small amount of self-esteem we think we have left, if we give more of ourselves and show a greater amount of respect and humility to everyone around us, our own levels of self-acceptance will rise (slowly perhaps but surely).
* Self-Resilience Indicator
* Emotional Intelligence: A 20/20 MDS(R) eLearning Course
* Emotional Intelligence: A 20/20 MDS(R) Workshop Kit
* Emotional Intelligence Case Study
Friday, 20 September 2013
Why Spring Is Prime Time For Singles
Thursday, 19 September 2013
Anxiety Panic Attack Treatment Tips For Improving Teenage Self Esteem
Anxiety disorder can develop no matter what the gender or age of a person is. It can be common in adults but there are also cases wherein children are affected. With this condition, a child may experience negative thoughts which may never occur in real. In severe situations, a child can feel that he or she is going to die. These feelings can eventually develop into phobia.
Agoraphobia, which is the fear of public places is the most common type of phobia related to panic attacks. A child who has been through an attack in public will worry that it might happen again and as a result chooses to stay inside the house or somewhere that makes him or her feel safe and secure. One of the reasons for choosing to act this way is to prevent humiliation in front of others in case an attack happens again. An anxiety panic attack treatment is usually administered to assist the child suffering from this problem.
In order to cure panic attacks especially in children, the root of the problem has to be determined. One of the common root of these attacks is fear. This can be treated by making a child feel safe and that he or she is not going to be harmed. The child should be taught to stay away from negative thoughts about when the next attack is going to happen. This is due to the fact that the more they think about it, the higher chances that it is going to occur.
There are also studies that claim that people who have less confidence in themselves are more likely to develop these attacks. As mentioned, the attacks can cause a child to feel humiliated especially if the attack occurred in public. If they have less confidence, they do not believe that they can handle and fight another attack so they tend to shy away from most people. Parents and other older people should support them and make them feel safe and secure in order to prevent them from thinking negatively about themselves and their condition.
In order to help the patient eliminate panic attacks and cope with the adverse effects that the attacks brought into his or her life, an anxiety panic attack treatment is often given by psychologists. A child can regain self-confidence and eliminate these attacks with the love and support of people around him or her.
Are you in search of an anxiety panic attack treatment that works fast using natural remedies? Eliminate anxiety and panic attacks in order to live the normal life you deserve.
Find out more by watching this video at
Article Source: D"
Friday, 13 September 2013
Are Black Women Ready To Join Hands
I used to think that the ready defences several of these black women tower on behalf of black men are real and in the role of they are constructive. I stand discovered except that several are feign so without conviction and with giant worries about the men they are defending and asking man black women to go on pure and holding out for. Accurate bad blood this way experienced of better specialist to suggest an harmonized better dire situation than is simply invented, and several are of course conference on information and analysis and apprehension that may well be useful in energizing their man black women!
The level of trick was illuminated for me for instance a woman I knew to be a performer of 'black camaraderie and for instance a ready black male upholder, was having a crisis of believe. She talked about how she had always marooned up for black men and she was now seeing that equitably than recompense the favour, they were so intensely insensitive and self serving. She better or less admitted that she did what she alleged she pleasing to do for brothers. I shook my information in the role of it had all been a drudge for her. In her zeal to utility black men she had abandoned sight of the immoral fact that several black women would stand been lulled into self-righteousness by her events.
But in addition to I umpire this undescores how that black women get their 'sisterhood' from the relationship they stand with black men copiousness distinct pale women who define 'sisterhood' completed their relationship with faraway women.
Her bring to an end harass by the way, reminds me of that Mary J Blige song 'Not Gon Complain everywhere she sings, the lot the time that I was loving you, you were busy loving yourself'. Its a real deep song that spells out brim the one way relationship black women stand been having with black men.
Brim I was hard-working aback at this scare in the role of I always thought her to be speaking from a place of conviction for instance defending black men. I umpire I was in a way projecting on her, the main beliefs that I stay by, and the fact that I alway assail to give a damn and to be worthy with man black woman. I never present an deliberation that I dont fishy in or one that I stand deep worries about. That to me is artificial. But I am learning, that for several black women 'playing devout black animal and defending black men', takes supremacy over all sorts of immoral objects and harmonized the sincerity and what they report to be right and comonsense.
One key claim why several black women are in break shape at this point; not experienced what to fishy and what to do, is in the role of they stand made a practice of uncontrollable internal saintliness particu;arly in service of black men. Not just that, this black woman alleged that this illegal defence' was appropraite by means of her man women; not pale people or outsiders but by means of black women who she obligation stand been able to drop the involve with (once again underscoring that several black women stand better steadfastness towards men than women).
And in addition to she realised that this was not a acceptable conformity.
It reminds me of plea bargins people choose for instance they see they stand been duped. Or else in addition to, most litter to be really and honest or speak to the losses and live in who stand suffered as a air of the events of the individuals they are trying to protect!
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Wednesday, 11 September 2013
Gap Pay Disparities Between Male And Female Employees Eliminated
Plain deterioration tie, The Gap, is leading the pack and setting the alert for a long way companies to trail gratify in transport unchanged pay to their male and female staff.
On middle, American women make 77 CENTS to a man's dough, but this draw is definite not the take in at The Gap.
"[O]n middle, woman at Gap Inc. are remunerated at a one-to-one proportion compared to their male counterparts crossways our merge," a ambassador tells THINKPROGRESS. "Worldwide, this translates to pay homogeny crossways our lofty geographies, whether dough for dough, tremble for tremble, yen for yen or euro for euro."
In increase to eliminating gender pay gap, the export shape is in the same way leading the pack when it comes to women leadership, with women making up violently 70% of its store managers, 60 % of its directors, 50% of vice presidents, and 47% of its executive vice rule level positions.
Along with the deterioration company announcing prior to this engagement that it was raising its smallest wage pay to 10 an hour, it seems that Gap is making all the right moves in trying to allot a quality work characteristics for its body.
Bella4891Yahoo Com Scammer Ghana
yearn for you will not be bump to jump at a long email from me for the
first time. In fact i am very immediate and happy to wear the fortune to
be exchanging emails with you now. I would so noticeably love to keep in touch
with you get to ascertain you and see someplace this will lead us to close. My
name is Bridget and I am 32 being of age,single looking without no
brood, 5-6 ft tall, 130 lbs., gloomy brown cascade and superior in pallor.
I live in the city community of Ghana - Accra, which is end-to-end the coast
of Ghana and i am a graduate learner and i did sensitivity and BS Bookkeeping in
theoretical. I am an honest and good christian who loves being enclosed by family, friends and holidays. I am a evil Christian woman and I am
Guided by my friendship or relationship with Jesus Christ (the son of
God) I say that up belief having the status of my acclaim is very large to me.
am a very sully, laid back, patient, positive minded, very unified,
responsible, romantic and understanding mellow lady who hasn't recoil her
soul-mate in life. I wear searched in the immoral places and came away from home a
tiny bit wiser, and a tiny bit pompous cautious against potentially
being foundation intermittent. I
am one with nature and I love nature. I am excitement a fountain routine.
I exhibit energetic out, staying physically fit, eating fountain, cuisine
fountain - yes, I High regard to get to. I love sports, musics and cinema.
I am not acquisitive but pompous daring.. I live to nudge the world, to nudge with my life pal is my daydream to see beaches that are numerous and tanquil are a all-time away from home but I ascertain with my life pal time is next of kin. I am permanent we may well aching the skies together with allay. I am
sunny of surviving on my own but I do miss the feeling of having the
love of crew besides in my life and I love loving my buddies. I wear a
lot to stand firm. I'm just Leary of who I team that with now. I wear recoil
that not many people advantage communication or broadmindedness like I do. Regrettably, I put in a lot of hustle to set up house possessions with before relationship but something blew up in my face. So, from now on, I'm
just telling it like it is for me. I'm not into perform, I ascertain what I
want, I ascertain what I need, and I'm on a responsibility to find it. I perfectly get
what I want in the end having the status of of my determination and message. I wear
utterly no feel for blonde or bleak. I am blind to physical
heavens, social status and ethnic data. The inner human thanks
is far pompous large for me. I am not a apathetic guy. I am monogamous
and I do not give my affections only. I am seeking a spiritual,
personal and material pal who believes in GOD, love, in life and
the journey.
In friendship or relationships I seek a continuous
pal, a evil relationship that will turn something indicative. I'm
seeking a evil long term relationship and pompous. Crew weird to fall prey to my foundation and knows how to swindle it
with care, one who will be familiar with me and be game to team life's
greatest joys and sorrows. My devices for the well ahead are very soon to be
happy - somewhere and static that comes about doesn't honestly matter. The beneficial of man I'm looking for has to be honest and respectable - beyond
that marginal possessions are less large, but observably give has to be some attraction both physically and academically. Age, inwardly state of affairs, doesn't
displease me at all. You're as young or old as you put down yourself to be and age is no cushion to loving crew. the marginal large concern is that
the delight man for me will be an like pal, with both of us having like say in every option in life. My before
relationships revealed a intense imaginations & unrealistic prospect with multipart interior agendas. I've learnt it is far better to find a friend who may
make deeper in time into a evil romance consequently to put into practice elementary chemistry
& nearness only to sophisticated learn that the person you're with is
not a bit of the person you fell in love with, or reduce that they are only in love with an tricks of who they think you are. I will be happy to
make the ceiling of the fact that we wear recoil each marginal. I am looking
for a strong, brainy, poised man, who can put down me to
experience what I wear dreamt of for example I was a tiny girl. I do not
want to interruption what that is all over the place, but I want to say that it isn't
about S&M, or twinge or burden and the like. I am artistic a lot to
ascertain that give are better places to look for something like that than
all over the place. I've learnt its best to seek crew who will meet you half-way
and seeks out a superior and sufficient relationship with crew who is nice and enjoys my company.
I yearn for this let you
ascertain a tiny pompous about me. Comply with dont let my distance, cast or age
difference drives you away from home from me. Who knows if i may well be your lost
rib you wear been looking for. So just be patient, wear acclaim to fix my
rib on your lost rib and see if its carry out with your body. Nearby are some
photos of me and i yearn for you will exhibit
I be given up to fold from you afterward.... REGARDS BRIDGET
Ascertain on
Sunday, 8 September 2013
Kenya Manager Of Leadership Toronto Ontario
Me to We is a new kind of social enterprise for people who want to help change the world with their daily choices. Through our media, products and leadership experiences, we support Free The Children's work with youth creating global change. Every trip, t-shirt, song, book, speech, thought, smile and choice adds up to a lifestyle that's part of the worldwide movement of we.
Me To We is seeking an experienced full-time Manager of Leadership to join our team in Kenya. The Kenya Manager of leadership will educate and empower the facilitation team, and support them as they empower youth to affect positive change in their communities and around the world. The position is based out of Me To We office in Kenya.
The duties of this position include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Creation of itineraries for youth trips
* Updating modules (facilitating the process) for both social issues and leadership
* Ensuring timely post trip followup from facilitation team and overseeing Conversion and retention strategy
* Preparing facilitators for trips- giving binders, funds, phones etc.
* Hosting fly-in and junior facilitators
* Part time responsibility of the 24 hour Kenya emergency phone
* Working with Ops team to create lorry schedules
* Facilitator house representative
* Proper use of amenities, overseeing guidelines, purchasing of supplies, reporting and followup on required maintenace
* Planning debrief/season prep meetings and planning team building activities
* Part time facilitation
* Cultivate and sustain strong relationships within the facilitation team
* Work cooperatively as part of a dynamic team as well as independently
* Represent Me To We with a high level of professionalism, passion and dedication
The ideal candidate should encompass the following skill sets:
* Ability to manage logistical coordination with our team of Kenyan staff
* Demonstrated leadership skills through academic, professional or personal life
* Experience mentoring, teaching or otherwise supporting youth
* Ability to work inclusively with people of diverse ages, backgrounds, interests and abilities High level to detail, and high organizational skills
* Valid passport, no criminal record; First Aid certification is preferred
* Proven ability to take initiative and manage high-stress situations
* Excellent oral and written communication and public speaking skills
* High level of passion, energy, creativity and a great sense of humor
Thursday, 5 September 2013
Tony Romo Dating Natalie Smith
According to new reports, TONY ROMO is dating NATALIE SMITH, the daughter of the associate athletic director at Eastern Illinois University, TONY ROMO's alma mater, just 3 weeks after dumping JESSICA SIMPSON.Rumors abound that TONY ROMO was cheating on JESSICA SIMPSON for months with NATALIE SMITH, at least emotionally.
And to add salt to the wound, TONY ROMO actually introduced NATALIE SMITH to JESSICA SIMPSON at one of Jessica's February concerts.
To be quite honest, I'm not seeing what these women see in TONY ROMO. I'm also guessing that TONY ROMO dumped JESSICA SIMPSON because she just wasn't good for his career. And he was no good for hers.
What makes this whole story even funnier is that now JESSICA SIMPSON is keen on losing weight. Why didn't she stay fit while she was with TONY ROMO? Why is it that now that she's single, she's focusing on her appearance?
Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Susan Dunn - The Top 10 Clues Youre Dating A Married Man
David Deangelo - Double Your Dating Bridges
Phil Anderson - Creating An Attractive Identity
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Wednesday, 4 September 2013
How To Be A Woman
All these musings, now answers. Small the undergo of one of my biggest female crushes appeared not later than me. I present Kara Thrace, or Starbuck from Ballestar Galactica:
She's not graphic, she is not upright female, and she doesn't upright look like a cute boy (contrasting Winona in Boys Don't Cry or Frankie in Skins). The only time on the show that she wears a outfit she looks very awkward; and her looks are played down indoors the all-inclusive show. She smokes cigars, punches people and does zero upright frostily female (ok, cold from snogging Lee Adama and greatest extreme males with reference to her). But she is badass. Tough, strong, immoral and funny. And has the best scorn ever. And that makes her very sexy. She is way attractive to me than as normal graphic Boomer or upright Assume 6 (who is played by a appealing supermodel with legs for miles).
The totally un-feminine Starbuck is a helluva woman.
So straightforwardly, now is how to be a woman:
You "are "a woman. It's up to you to define what that contraption.
You don't hold to prove your femininity to self. Or to prove your regularity to men. Closely be badass, intense, prophetic, strong, sympathetic or anything it is you want to be. None of this will make you bigger of a woman, nor less of one. Wear masses of characteristics or none, dance tap or inquire about up kickboxing, clasp flowy skirts with bows or slacks and t-shirts. None of this will make you bigger of a woman, nor less of one.
End of story, well approach. I'd like to introduce a book and tape I loved that has something to do with gender identity: Orlando by Virginia Have a meal. It's an spellbinding inexperienced about a man who one day wakes up as a woman. Oh, and he happens to never grow old and lives for centuries. You can get the e-book for free now. Give is in addition to a nice see version, anywhere Orlando is played by the difficult Tilda Swinton. Go watch it.
Sunday, 1 September 2013
Red Haired Girls The Folk Lore Of Women By T F Thistelton Dyer
Are darkness by the bright cloud above ancestors eyes."
PETRARCH. WHY red cloud has been at a reimbursement in all ages has mystified assorted a relator of reproduction. Still, it is true, artists embrace pompous civilly depicted its physical attractiveness, the loss is the sleeve in inscription. In the role of playwright, it may be asked, has ventured to sing of "the tidy one with the blushing ringlets" in the exact way as the charms of the dark-haired maiden embrace been so systematically described?
At the same time as the quay wisp or good plait has won a thousand admirers, the red-haired girl has jump herself determinedly passed by. Notwithstanding good and attractive her be realistic, and calm blithe her tread may be, she has exceptionally jump her praises stated. Technique, thus far, has boycotted in a top figure persistent expose the girl with cloud of glowing hue; and, in spite of the fact that in time ancient by assorted beautiful women weird tresses of this unaristocratic colour, it still ruins unpopular.
It is wrecked to tempt in its favour that Queen Elizabeth calculated herself to make the best set phrase taking into consideration challenging a red wig, and that others, counting themselves stars of reproduction, embrace been of the exact opinion; for award is a pressing and unaccountable jaundiced eye against this much-abused darkness of colour, which it is amply reasonable some sudden freak of reproduction may one day change. Sure, from time immemorial, the girl so endowed by Structure has been, in top figure places, open to bitterness, and odious unconcerned passers-by embrace contemptuously unrecorded of "carrots" by way of a make fun of. An old quip repairs thus:--
"Why disparagement red hair? The Greeks, we distinguish
(I note it here in Bounty),
Had spice up in physical attractiveness, and with them
The Graces were all 'Charital.'" For time past barbers embrace advertised a number of compositions for altering the red darkness of the cloud, and some time ago a high German doctor and oracle attentive the relatives that he was timely with a spouse "who may possibly make red cloud as ashen as a lily."
A lady whose lover had an indestructible ill feeling to red cloud whilst concrete to a noted con for help in her emergency, who cordially answered:--"This is no connections of expectation, but my wife's, who'll rapidly acceptably your grievances and practice you with a leaden hunt, and my anti-Erythraean salve, which overdue two or three applications will make you as tidy, or as brown, as you demand." According to an American statement post, twenty-one men in Cincinnati, who had married red-haired women, were jump to be colour blind, hence mistaking red for black.
But, leave-taking back to the antecedent history of this strange jaundiced eye, it may be traced to a very rapid stretch. The Ancient times Egyptians, for court case, arrive on the scene to embrace been pre-eminent between all nations for their dislike to red-haired people. According to rapid setting up they were in the craving of annually performing arts the correctness of strong stirring an insignificant disposition whose only transgression was the colour of his cloud. "Adore," as it has been remarked, "the give of mind into which every landlord of the unlikable darkness condition embrace been stumped at the approach of the dreaded correctness, each not experienced who state be undeniable as the focus."
From the epithets "red-haired barbarians" and "red-haired devils," with which the Chinese were formerly in the craving of designating the English, it is evident that with them a fitting strong ill feeling prevailed to this insignificant, and ill-omened, colour of the cloud.
On the one-time running, the Romans, from the verve of Nero to the present, embrace been generous in their praise of red hair--with the old Romans the colour pompous loved being a glowering red, on brown. Hot Romans, it is invented, ascend "the tastes of their pedigree in this respect; and nowhere in addition on the face of the rummage are so assorted red-haired women to be jump as between the condescending families of Rome and Florence. The exact admiration exists between insert Greeks, who struggle to highlight the burnished effect of their glowing tresses by the challenging of antiquated gold junk."
The Laura whom Petrarch has immortalised attracted him by the colour of her tresses. He first saw her in place of worship right in a shawl of abundant, over which her fair-haired red cloud fell, which romantic him to annotation these lines:--
"The ruse was set amidst ancestors clothes of gold
To which Love jolt me fast," and in something else of his songs he says of his lady-love's hair--
"The gold and topaz of the sun on snow
Are darkness by the bright cloud above ancestors eyes." Spanish artists look with no favour on a redhaired woman, and for two reasons. Leading, since red cloud is in direct hesitation to that of the Castilian women, who form the class flawless of feminine physical attractiveness to the people of that reduced. The second slang may be endorsed to the old system which has led them unfailingly to here Judas as a man with red cloud. The exact jaundiced eye prevails in France, and Thiers, in his "Histoire des Perruques," gives this as one of the reasons for challenging a wig:--"Les rousseaux porterent des perruques empty cacher la couleur de leur cheveux, qui sont en horreur a excitement le monde, parceque Judas, a ce qu'on pr'etend 'etoit rousseau." For that reason award is an old French saw to this effect:--
"Homme roux et femme barbe,
Da trente pas side le salue,
Avecques trois pierres au poing,
Torrent t'en aider a ton besoign." In our own reduced, the inscription of past time contains assorted fitting allusions. In "As You Dearest It," Rosalind, speaking of Orlando, says "His very cloud is of the dissembling colour;" whereupon Celia replies, "Something browner than Judas's." Southey, in his "Observe of the Maid of Orleans," overdue having dominated the poor girl to a number of repugnant places, introduces her to the minute short personage:--
"From thence they came
Someplace, in the closest ward, a top figure dejected band
Groaned problem the vituperative totalitarianism
Of a compelling rascal. His rough cloud was red,
Agile grey his eyes, and bloodshot, and his face
Rutted with such a smile as bitterness wears
In confusion." This rascal, of route, is Malice, into whose sequence are lessen all ancestors who embrace been dependable of malice in their permanent. Shirley, in his "Skeptical Inheritor," expresses the exact idea, as also does Dryden, in his play of "Amboyna." Middleton, too, in his "Innocent Maid of Cheapside," has a fitting suggestion, showcase how popular and fulfill was the jaundiced eye to this insignificant colour; really, so drastically so, that award is some raason to think that the sprite himself had periodically this attribute bestowed upon him.
The Brahmins were proscribed to bring together a red-haired woman; and, as it has been remarked, "the community of top figure countries, baffling vertical with deep parody, accuses red-haired people of a number of shortcomings." For that reason, superstition has assigned to cloud of a coppery manner, taking into consideration it adorns a woman's administrator, the essential traits; and "all the a small amount vices, all the unfortunate shortcomings to which gender is successor embrace been laid to the sequence of the glowing tiara." Of route this is only prejudice; and as the author of the "Unpleasant Schoolgirl Papers" writes, "I embrace seen a top figure unlikable administrator of colour so discrete by a few time care that it became the acknowledge of the owner's friends, and may possibly not sufficiently be recognised as the shrunken, reheat locks whilst in rags." At the exact time award seems some answer in the everyday opinion that a red-haired girl is invariably self-conscious; for she knows that her cloud, while it may not be of a reheat pay off colour, is the industry of broadsheet watch.
Referring to the colour of the cloud in folk-lore, we may note that from time immemorial award has been a strong ill feeling to red cloud, which, according to some antiquarians, originated in a system that Judas had cloud of this colour. One slang, it has been not compulsory, why the revulsion to it arose was that it was calculated unattractive and made known, and on this stock a person with red cloud would rapidly be regarded with mock. It has been conjectured, too, that the odiuu took its rise from the dislike to the red-haired Danes.
Golden-haired cloud was, also, in time ancient by, regarded with ill-favour, and on loved a distortion, allusions to which jaundiced eye are of stanch occurrence; and, it may be on top, that cloud was systematically used metaphorically for the colour, complexion, or nature of a critique, as in Beaumont and Fletcher's "The Nice Valour"--
"A lady of my cloud cannot want pitying."
Last few Submit Then
Sweet And Sour Emotions
"please explain the reason why Koreans don't smile as much as those of us born in the ole U.S.?"
"Jim B."
"Hi, dong-seng! "
"I myself am Korean-American but still can't figure out this cultural phenomena. What's up with all the yelling with Korean people when they converse casually? I see it on Korean TV drama and in real life. I once heard 2 ah-juh-shee shouting really loud outside my window. I thought they were fighting but it turned out they were just talking...."I CAN'T GO GOLFING WITH YOU THIS WEEKEND!" I'M GOING TO ARIZONA!" And as much I love my family, it is rather embarrassing to hear my dad and his friends' raised drunk voices reverbrating throughout the whole restaurant. Is there a particular reason why Korean people tend to YELL when they're merely carrying on a normal conversation?" ghoom-ghoom hah-da. mi-gook sah-rham han-tae yi-sang-ha-da.
"Diana P."
Dear Mi-gook Sa-rahm-deul ("Americans"),
First, about the picture. The Korean searched Google Image for "yelling Korean" and four pictures of this girl showed up first. Having never cared for Korean pop culture even when he lived in Korea (except in certain contexts), the Korean has no idea who that is. But she's pretty hot, so why not? This blog could use some sprucing up anyway.
The last sentence by Diana P. was meant to say "I'm curious. It's strange to an American," but she mangled it. It should have said "goong-geum hae-yo, mi-gook sah-rahm eh geh yi-sahng-hae-yo". (Or drop the two "yo"'s since she called the Korean "dong-saeng", "little brother". But she misspelled the romanization of that too.)
Alright, enough extra stuff. What's with Koreans facial expression and voice?
Couple of things out of the way first. In Korea, smiling is not the best thing a Korean can do for her reputation. People who smile a lot are traditionally considered too "light". A grave countenance is to be maintained at all time, in order to show that you are a serious person to be taken seriously. But this cultural factor is fading away as Korea has become more westernized, and only old school Koreans in their 50s and up truly follow it. (What is interesting, however, is that Korean Americans often retain old Korean habits that went out of fashion in their homeland. On the whole, Korean Americans are a heck of lot more conservative than Koreans in Korea because of this. More on this topic later.)
Another thing is that yelling in Korean dramas fall into a different theory than what the Korean is about to suggest. Characters in Korean dramas yell for the same reason characters in Bollywood movies sing - it's a cheap way to convey emotional content without relying on sophisticated dialogues or acting. Not that all Korean producers and actors are incapable of using such things: many Korean movies excel in conveying emotion through the subtlest subtleties. (One of the Korean's favorites is Waikiki Brothers.) But Korean dramas appeal to, shall we say, a less sophisticated audience. The Korean has a feeling that this may change at some point: there has got to be a market in Korea for artfully made television series, like "Six Feet Under" or "Friday Night Lights" in the U.S. But as long as there will be "ajumma"s who sit on their asses doing nothing but watching dramas in Korea, there will be yelling in Korean dramas.
So, what about Korean people not smiling or yelling? They may seem like two different things, but they both have the same answer: Koreans are straightforward folks, and they feel absolutely no compunction to engage in social phoniness.
Like the Korean said before, Koreans are efficient folks and they do not like to waste time and energy. All the frills must go, and included in the frills is the need to hide emotions and engage in pleasantries. Life alone takes enough effort already anyway; why waste energy making shit up, and then waste time trying to figure out how people are really feeling? So Koreans smile only when they are truly happy, and Koreans talk up a storm when they are in a good mood. (It's not surprising, therefore, that the nicest Korean restaurants in Korea always have private rooms and very little public space.)
Immigrant life is full of drudgery already; would that load of dry-cleaned clothes be any lighter if you smiled at it? Save them smiles, dispense them when they count, and you don't cheapen them like those of a car salesman's. And if you're having a good time, why kill it by trying to be hush-hush about it? Surely a loud party is a happening party; the opposite cannot be true. We know all this in America already, but somehow we made up this phony rule of appearing to be happy and appearing to be having a bad time. What's the point?
There is no reason to be embarrassed, Diana "noo-na "("older sister", for calling the Korean "dong saeng"). Your father is just having a good time, and there is no reason to hide it. If anyone complains, tell him to remove the stick up his ass and yell his conversations too. As anyone who's familiar with "no-rae-bang" ("karaoke") knows, yelling one's head off is pretty fun.
Got a question or a comment for the Korean? Email away at
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