| Books

Thursday 30 October 2014

Best Female Dating Profile Examples

Best Female Dating Profile Examples
Today we have the information to tell you about Best Female Dating Profile Examples. Dont miss if youre looking for information about "Best Female Dating Profile Examples". We have extra information about a particular BEST FEMALE DATING PROFILE EXAMPLES to tell you. Opportunities like this are not common. We hope that the information we have this will benefit you a lot. Hopefully you will not miss this opportunity and free.... [Read more]


Dating Advice For Men

When you start doing this you are going to see the truly beautiful women in the bar start to treat you in a completely different way. You can actually watch other guys approach get shot down and see it ruin their nights as you can easily navigate the sea of compliance tests and come out looking like a rockstar making her more and more attracted to you since youre the kind of guy who wont just do exactly what she wants....


Wednesday 29 October 2014

Lady Of Seduction The Daughters Of Erin 3 By Laurel Mckee

Lady Of Seduction The Daughters Of Erin 3 By Laurel Mckee

* CLASSIFICATION: Older Fabrication

* GENRE: Former Romance

* FORMAT: Order, 384 pages
* PUBLISHER: Forever; Particular rendering (June 1, 2011)
* ISBN-10: 0446544779
* ISBN-13: 978-0446544771

"I HAVEN'T Recurrent STARTED Erudition WHO I Asset BE." HE HAD TOLD HER AS THEY SAT Cool IN THAT Bitter Salt away, KIDNAPPER AND Behind bars Barn dance Cool IN THE MOMENTS Past THE Fervor. Barn dance Cool BY AN Understanding THAT WAS Inexplicable AND Piquant."

Sure living ago Noble Caroline Blacknall had been kidnapped by Sir Confer Dunmore. In a hatch to make off with Caroline's sister, Anna, whom he wished to tie the knot, Caroline had erratically gotten attentive by his angle as well. In that instantaneous through all hell disfavored limp, she'd seen into his soul. To his true self. They had kissed. It wouldn't be for something else engagement, like she'd been in the midst of prudence her marriage, that she'd find out he'd survived....


"WHY, CAROLINE?" HE Held, HIS State Flooded With Stubbly Distress. "WHY ARE YOU HERE?"

"At the same time as I HAD TO SEE YOU Once again," SHE Supposed Naively. "

A engagement once upon a time her husband had died, Caroline had set off for the rapid islet of Muirin Inish in hopes of evocative Confer to let her see "'The Divulge of Kildare'", a history of Ireland written and illuminated by Brother Michael of the St. Ceolach monastery. She was trying to current of air a book about the tradition of Ireland and the book was certain to her work. That was the lie she told herself....

I actual loved this story. I didn't read the most recent books, but wished I had. Not equally I felt gone, equally I most indisputably did not, but equally I desired to deduce about the other stories that were just hinted at in this book. The opening of the book was brilliant with an attention grabber that had me bent from the redistribute. I loved how Confer and Caroline's feelings couldn't be denied, yet were convoluted by the fact Confer had kidnapped Caroline and her sister living ago. I liked how Ms. Mckee didn't straight away redistribute Confer and Caroline's story up where it gone off once upon a time the accumulate fire, cleverly avoiding the expectation of Stockholm Syndrome, which may manage upset some readers. I loved seeing how Confer was untiring to make up for his further than sins, and how Caroline had to put her trust in him. I both loved the fact Ms. McKee bent her own title, that of The Daughters of Erin. I indeed dearest that in a story, in particular because it involves dragons. The chemistry linking Caroline and Confer was incinerating and I love that their true emotions were first sparked in a accumulate fire all relatives living ago. Moreover, I embrace that Ms. Mckee above an Author's note at the end. I had no idea about The Guerrilla of 1803 which is the congealed to this story. I love it because I can learn a as everything about history in my romance novels. I gave this book a 5 OUT OF 5 ROSES.

Target of trilogy:

1. Countess of Abhorrence

2. Duchess of Sin

3. Noble of Seduction

Wednesday 22 October 2014

How To Keep A Woman Interested In You

How To Keep A Woman Interested In You
QUESTION FROM A READERGreetings,I'm considering investing in your program, but I have a question for you before I do. Essentially, I'm no longer looking to hook up with women left and right. In fact, I think I've met "the one," but I'm having trouble making her realize this. I've been pursuing her for about five months (during part of which time she was away at school, but we kept in regular contact, at first through e-mail and, later, over the phone), and I get the sense that she's very guarded about relationships. She's *very* goal oriented (which is one of the many things I love about her, BTW), and therefore very busy, and - I suspect - she's been burned in the past, relationship wise. At any rate, on a couple of occasions, it felt to me as if things were moving forward, and then she backpedaled; perhaps she "got spooked," and took a big step back to protect herself. Most recently, we were out for the first time since she finished school, and - insofar as I was able to determine, I was getting the green light all night: at a movie, I slipped my arm around her and she leaned in, resting her head on my shoulder; later, we were at a club for a band, and when we were ready to leave, she reached across the table and held my hand for a while; on the way back to the car, it was pretty chilly, and when she complained about the chill, I stepped over and hugged her. She responded by stepping into it: she pressed her face hard into my shoulder, and stepped into full body to body contact - hip to hip, shoulder to shoulder and everything in between. When we got back to her place, I moved to kiss her and she shied away such that it would have been *extremely* awkward for me to actually do so.At any rate, we've gotten together since (in fact, I offered to cook dinner for her, and she somehow maneuvered it around such that I was *her* guest, and she cooked for me) and we talked a while. As I said above, I think she got a little spooked. She specifically said that she thought the relationship could've evolved into something romantic, but that it hasn't, and she wasn't sure why. At this moment, she says she doesn't believe it will. We remain *very* close friends, but I still believe she's the one, and I've told her that I'm still going to pursue this, and she's keen on still spending time together (for her, for now, as close friends).My question is this: do you believe your program can aid me in turning her around on this? If so, why?Thanks,B.MY COMMENTS: OK, sit down for this. Hold on to something tight because I'm going to yell at you for your own damn good... YOU ARE TOTALLY MISSING WHAT'S GOING ON! THIS WOMAN ACTUALLY LIKES YOU, AND YOU'RE SCREWING IT ALL UP BY ACTING LIKE A NEEDY WUSS BAG! If you were closer, I'd slap you myself. DUH! Whew. Let me calm myself. As you know, I don't usually get so worked up. That makes three exclamation marks in one email, and I haven't even started lambasting you proper yet. (What is lambasting, anyway? And is that how you spell it? It's such a great word. I really should look it up and find out.) OK, I'm calm. NOW, let's have a little talk here... The reason why this kind of situation bothers me is at least twofold: 1) Because I've been in it myself about a bazillion and a half times, and it sucks to be screwing something up and not even realize that you're doing it. 2) I can tell from your email that you actually like this girl A LOT, and that she's probably a fantastic woman... and I hate to see you working so hard against yourself... and screwing this up when it's right there in front of you for the taking. At the very beginning of your email, you said something that basically telegraphed EXACTLY what was going on here... You said, "...I think I've met "the one," but I'm having trouble making her realize this. I've been pursuing her for about five months..." You're having trouble making her REALIZE this? You've been PURSUING her? Do you assume that at some point within the NEXT five months that she's going to wake up one day and feel a powerful ATTRACTION for you because you like to chase her around and tell her how you feel about her? Normally I'd make fun of you here, and tell you that you don't get it... blah blah blah. But for some reason I feel like I just have to lay things out for you directly. Look, man... the reason why she's telling you that she "doesn't know why it hasn't evolved into something romantic" is that she doesn't FEEL IT. She doesn't FEEL IT. Get it? SHE DOESN'T FEEL IT! She doesn't feel ATTRACTION for you. And you can't CONVINCE her to feel it by chasing her around and telling her how you "feel" about her. Attraction, as I always say, ISN'T A CHOICE. You're acting like most guys who think things like: "If she only knew how I felt about her, she'd feel the same way" and "If I keep pursuing her, she'll eventually see how much I love her" etc. Well guess what? AIN'T GONNA HAPPEN, HOMEY. Right now you are playing what is referred to as a "losing game". Think of it this way. If you stop on the way home from work every day and buy a lottery ticket, you'll win once in awhile. Hell, you might even be lucky one day and win big. But your chances SUCK. You're probably going to lose a LOT more than you win over time. Like I said, you COULD win big. There is a chance. But you probably won't. And I mean probably with a BIG P. I refer to the way that you're acting as "Being a Wussy" (that's the technical term... made it up myself). When you act like a Wussy, you do things like:- Pursue- Cling- Share "feelings"- Act submissive- Seek approval- Pine away This is WUSSY behavior. It's distinctly FEMININE in nature. When guys act like this, they're getting in touch with their inner little girl (and she needs a spanking in the worst way). And are you ready for the WORST, WORST part? When you act like this around a woman (and ESPECIALLY a "goal oriented" woman who's probably smart and powerful) they CANNOT feel the emotion of ATTRACTION towards you. Women aren't attracted to Wussies. This is a UNIVERSAL truth. And, by the way that you describe your relationship with this woman, SHE REALLY WANTS TO BE ATTRACTED TO YOU! She's trying, man. And she probably KNOWS that you'd be a great guy to be in a relationship with... but she just doesn't FEEL IT... so she holds back. I'm sure she WISHES that she could be attracted to you. I'll bet you money. Look, you need to STOP acting like a nice, friend guy Wuss IMMEDIATELY if you want this to turn into something. You're probably beyond help with this particular woman, but I'm going to give you a few ideas JUST IN CASE...1) Stop calling her all the time (if you do), and stop spending so much time with her.2) Start dating other women IMMEDIATELY, and make sure she knows about it.3) Stop being all lovey with her, and don't tell her how you "feel about her" anymore. Stop it.4) Accept that you will probably be friends with her forever, and start acting that way.5) Don't try to kiss her or be physical with her at ALL anymore until you understand what you're doing. Remember, what you're doing ISN'T WORKING. If you do these things that I've described, you will probably have the best chance of turning this around. You need a new perspective on this entire situation. And you need a new perspective on women. You're obviously a smart guy, and once you begin to understand how ATTRACTION works for women, you'll change how you behave COMPLETELY. Total transformation. And the best part is that you won't be changing how you act and just "faking it". You'll change how you act because you GET IT. It's really fantastic to HELP a woman feel that magical ATTRACTION for you that she REALLY WANTS TO FEEL. And it's also amazing to know exactly how to get physical with a woman without having to deal with the awkward "shy away from the kiss" situation that you described in your email. In fact, if you're reading this right now and you haven't yet downloaded your copy of my online eBook "Double Your Dating", I have something to tell you... My eBook is the foundation for everything that I teach in these newsletters, and it's the foundation for my Advanced Dating Techniques Program. Guys are surprised when they listen to the Advanced Program, because I don't just rehash Double Your Dating and talk about a few new tricks.By David DeAngelo Also read this ebooks:Dean Phillips - How To Seduce A Woman The Right Way ReportRob J - How To Get Woman Laid In A Day Or LessC Kellogg - How To Seduce A Woman 3 FearsLabels: values what wants hollywood myth girlfriend even ugly impress woman anatomy seduction best girls sample pickup airplane should younger with archive york town brochure female friend girlfriend language read thoughts


Yoo In Na And Ji Hyun Woo Break Up After Two Years

Yoo In Na And Ji Hyun Woo Break Up After Two Years
ARTICLE: [Exclusive] Yoo In Na and Ji Hyun Woo break up after two years

SOURCE: TV Report via Nate

1. [+851, -9] I don't get what the point of going public before he went to the army was. I wonder if Rain and Kim Tae Hee are still dating.

2. [+691, -10] Minus the time he was in the army, did they date for even a month?

3. [+507, -5] Who knows what the actual amount of time they dated was, whether it was 2 years, a year, or a month.

4. [+90, -12] Whatever they broke up over is their problem but I think it was wrong of him to confess his feelings for her right before he went to the army.

5. [+72, -9] He basically needed a woman before and during his army service... and now that he's discharged, he sees that there are many other options available.



1. [+4,189, -740] This is why you shouldn't wait for your boyfriend if he goes to the army

2. [+3,181, -554] He basically used her, tied her down before he went to the army and broke up with her as soon as he discharged....

3. [+2,586, -68] Had a feeling that was the case

4. [+2,060, -102] Hopefully they didn't break up after his discharge?

5. [+1,830, -62] Knew it, sigh...

6. [+1,270, -90] I'm a man myself and I consider any man who starts a new relationship right before joining the army to be trash.

7. [+1,069, -35] Why did he confess right before the army... He made Yoo In Na tied to the title of being his girlfriend...

8. [+847, -38] This is why you shouldn't date men right before they go to the army.


Another Perspective On Beauty

Another Perspective On Beauty
What one person considers to be beautiful may be vastly different from what another person may see as beautiful. It all depends on how we, as human beings, look at one another. If we look only with our eyes, beauty is much more elusive than if we can also examine it with our hearts and our souls.

There was a time when the curves of a woman were highly sought after, the emphasis has shifted in modern times - people tried to break beauty down into a combination of specific physical attributes. These may include a symmetrical body, a good complexion, youthfulness, health, and vitality. Unfortunately, it has been proven that physical beauty does not ensure a beautiful spirit, and this lack can ultimately spoil the overall package.

It is true; beauty should be looked at as a combination of physical attributes, inner spirit, personality, intelligence, and heart. Such a definition would greatly expand how we view the concept of true beauty. Unfortunately, men and women often tend to look at beauty from opposite points of view. While many might think that men would be far more critical than their female counterparts, the opposite is actually true. Women are much harsher critics when it comes to analysing their peers.

But, why is so much importance placed on physical beauty? Attractive employees often receive more promotions and raises than their less attractive counterparts; good-looking students do better in school because they can manipulate their lecturers; beautiful women entice men to do their bidding; good looking men inspire women to pick up the tab. Shameful as it may seem, physical beauty plays an important part in our everyday lives.

Beauty has become an obsession among those who do not believe that grace, charm, or personality is enough to get them the things they want out of life. Many individuals who cannot achieve the perfect look resort to other factors to sway people in their favour; they use money, power, or sexuality as a secret weapon to garner whatever they want from others. What they do not understand is that such actions actually detract from their overall physical beauty.

Beauty lies in what we can learn from one another. In that respect, everyone is beautiful.

How to deal with stress


Friday 17 October 2014

What Is Toxic Shame

What Is Toxic Shame
When shame becomes toxic, it can ruin our lives. Everyone experiences shame at one time another. It's an emotion with physical symptoms like any other that come and go, but when it's severe, it can be extremely painful.

Strong feelings of shame stimulate the sympathetic nervous system, causing a fight/flight/freeze reaction. We feel exposed and want to hide or react with rage, while feeling profoundly alienated from others and good parts of ourselves. We may not be able to think or talk clearly and be consumed with self-loathing, which is made worse because we're unable to be rid of ourselves.

We all have our own specific triggers or tender points that produce feelings of shame. The intensity of our experience varies, too, depending upon our prior life experiences, cultural beliefs, personality, and the activating event.

Unlike ordinary shame, "internalized shame" hangs around and alters our self-image. It's shame that has become "toxic," a term first coined by Sylvan Tomkins in the early 1960s in his scholarly examination of human affect. For some people, toxic shame can monopolize their personality, while for others, it lies beneath their conscious awareness, but can easily be triggered.


Toxic shame differs from ordinary shame, which passes in a day or a few hours, in the following respects:

* It can hide in our unconscious, so that we're unaware that we have shame.

* When we experience shame, it lasts much longer.

* The feelings and pain associated with shame are of greater intensity.

* An external event isn't required to trigger it. Our own thoughts can bring on feelings of shame.

* It leads to shame spirals that cause depression and feelings of hopelessness and despair.

* It causes chronic "shame anxiety" -- the fear of experiencing shame.

* It's accompanied by voices, images, or beliefs originating in childhood and is associated with a negative "shame story" about ourselves.

* We needn't recall the original source of the immediate shame, which usually originated in childhood or a prior trauma.

* It creates deep feelings of inadequacy.


The fundamental belief underlying shame is that "I'm unlovable -- not worthy of connection." Usually, internalized shame manifests as one of the following beliefs or a variation ther:

* I'm stupid.

* I'm unattractive (especially to a romantic partner).

* I'm a failure.

* I'm a bad person.

* I'm a fraud or a phony.

* I'm selfish.

* I'm not enough (this belief can be applied to numerous areas).

* I hate myself.

* I don't matter.

* I'm defective or inadequate.

* I shouldn't have been born.

* I'm unlovable.


In most cases, shame becomes internalized or toxic from chronic or intense experiences of shame in childhood. Parents can unintentionally transfer their shame to their children through verbal messages or nonverbal behavior. For an example, a child might feel unloved in reaction to a parent's depression, indifference, absence, or irritability or feel inadequate due to a parent's competitiveness or over-correcting behavior. Children need to feel uniquely loved by both parents. When that connection is breached, such as when a child is scolded harshly, children feel alone and ashamed, unless the parent-child bond of love is soon repaired. However, even if shame has been internalized, it can be surmounted by later positive experiences.

If not healed, toxic shame can lead to aggression, depression, eating disorders, PTSD, and addiction. It generates low self-esteem, anxiety, irrational guilt, perfectionism, and codependency, and it limits our ability to enjoy satisfying relationships and professional success.

We can heal from toxic shame and build our self-esteem. To learn more about how to do so and the eight steps to heal, read "Conquering Shame and Codependency: 8 Steps to Freeing the True You".

(c)Darlene Lancer 2015

Thursday 16 October 2014

Culture Of Kyriarchy

Culture Of Kyriarchy
[Content Note: Misogyny; rape culture; objectification; racism.]Last night, during some sporting event between two institutions about whom I couldn't care less, including one that is currently enjoying national indifference to its sports-related rape scandal because the victims are adult women, Jess caught a gross bit of banter between commentators Brent Musburger and Kirk Herbstreit, who were leering over Katherine Webb and Dee Dee Bonner, who are respectively the girlfriend and mother of Alabama quarterback AJ McCarron."If you're a youngster at Alabama, start getting the football out and start throwing it around the backyard with Pop," observed Musburger, after the men had drooled over the two women.Jess makes all the great points about how demeaning the sexual objectification of Webb and Bonner is, and how potentially alienating to women (and men) watching.I want to additionally note that, in one fell swoop, Musburger draws the boundaries around football as a space for straight men whose reward for throwing around a ball with "Pop" (because Ma would get her girl cooties all over it) is beautiful light-skinned women (because the Objectification Cam never lingers on dark-skinned girlfriends and dark-skinned mothers, while commentators sexualize them and talk about them like trophies). Heterocentrism. Sexual objectification. Treating women like prized property to which men who are talented at ball-sports are "entitled." Men throw around footballs together. Women are there to service the men. That is, if they're pretty enough. Dehumanization by pedestal or invisibility-ladies' choice! Either way, the point is that women have more in common with the football, "a plaything, "than they do with the men.Yeah, it's a real mystery why male athletes imagine they can rape women and get away with it.


Wednesday 15 October 2014

Inspirational Leadership The Happy Accident

Inspirational Leadership The Happy Accident
Stop Trying To Inspire: Rekindle Your Own Fire First

by Michael D. Hume, M.S.

Over the years, one of the biggest issues my clients have dealt with has been that of inspirational leadership. Some have been emerging leaders seeking the "recipe" for turning on the commitment of others, particularly members of the teams they lead. Others have been established leaders who've wanted to increase their inspirational leadership. How do you inspire the best in other people?

A good executive coach can help you skill-up with techniques to help bring out the best in your people. But whether you own a business or work as a leader (emerging or established) in an organization, the first step toward greater inspirational leadership is to stop trying to inspire others before you've done the work to rekindle your own personal inspiration. And the best coaches help you do THAT as a top priority.

Often, a leader is "under the gun" to somehow create the kind of gung-ho attitude in his team during tough economic times that seems to exist more naturally in good times. A good manager can movtivate her people, even in the tough times, and sometimes there are speeches you can make and words you can publish that'll make the general fire burn brighter. Sometimes the "effort" method can have some effect. But in my experience, the "happy accident" of inspiring your people without trying (or, certainly, without appearing to try) is many times more effective than the best pep talks and incentive memos.


Inspire yourself first, and your natural behaviors will help fire up your people. You know by now, or soon will, that people generally want to be inspired, even (sometimes especially) at work. If you are an inspired person, you'll be an inspiring person, and an inspiring leader.

Spend your time in activities that inspire you. Don't ignore the "must do" part of your managerial agenda, but if you find yourself spending your entire life energy on the managerial equivalent of fixing a leaky toilet, rearrange your priorities. You can't off-load all of your unsavory duties. But often leaders immerse themselves in things others should be doing simply because it's what they (the leaders) know how to do, and what makes them feel successful. It's a good way to avoid stepping up to a true leadership role. Start by finding truly inspiring (but still productive) ways to spend your time, and see if you can't get the plumbing projects to fall naturally off your schedule.

That goes for the part of your day that doesn't have to be spent at work. Get a hobby, or do some volunteer work, that helps keep your fire burning and reminds you that you're living for more than your job. This time of year, I sing Christmas carols with a professional group, and I don't do it for the little bit of money I make. I do it for the inspiration. I highly recommend that you find something equivalent.

Put inspiring things into your brain. Don't ignore reality, but don't spend your life reading and listening about the troubles in the world and in your business. The best leaders are optimists and only optimistic leaders can be deeply inspiring to others. So stay on top of the news, both of the world and of the executive suites but get some inspiring books and programs into your brain's diet as well. Remember, your attitude will be the most infectious tool at your disposal, good or bad. Keep it upbeat.

Be sensitive and empathetic with others but don't take on their problems as your own. That's a short road toward a dismal attitude. When others are gloomy, see if you can't be the ray of sunshine in their lives. Taking on that challenge will keep you from being the gloomy one.

Inspirational leadership is not really an accident at all but the best, most inspiring leaders turn their people on without trying, and they make it look easy, because they're happy and inspired themselves. The attitude filters into their entire being, from thought to behavior to action. And their teammates, who are looking for the slightest excuse to be inspired, find that excuse in such leaders. As if by accident.

Michael Hume is a speaker, writer, and consultant specializing in helping people maximize their potential and enjoy inspiring lives. As part of his inspirational leadership mission, he coaches executives and leaders in growing their personal sense of well-being through wealth creation and management, along with personal vitality.Those with an entrepreneurial spirit who want to make money "one less thing to worry about" can learn more about working with Michael at wanting to jump-start their vitality can browse through the best (and most travel-friendly) nutraceuticals on the market at and his wife, Kathryn, divide their time between homes in California and Colorado. They are very proud of their offspring, who grew up to include a homemaker, a rock star, a service talent, and a television expert. Two grandchildren also warm their hearts! Visit Michael's web site at

Article Source

Tuesday 14 October 2014

Practice Body Posturebody Languagebreaking The State

Practice Body Posturebody Languagebreaking The State
I care for been stretch on my body put this week. Upper body up, long wide strides, being dithering and thorough, I don't truthfully care for it down or exceptionally discriminate what I am produce an effect, but in the pass by I care for noticed some strange mien. I yawn in the enormously way as passing-by women I want to talked to, I rub my right eye in the enormously way as pass-by a woman who I attention was cute far in a conflicting place, but not so cute up close. I ruling in the enormously way as brusque by lusterless women (60+). I according to the grapevine appropriate up my collar up in the enormously way as brusque by taller women.

Now, what does this all mean to me. Clean-living, I absolutely care for to profess my self-confidence. Uncommunicative, practice, practice. It to boot got me thinking about my put and body language in sarges. I discriminate that I care for addiction to peck, I care for been stretch on that, beautiful pick up just test back on the bar or in a gloss. In the enormously way as I care for not integrated in my sarges is body rocking, I speculation I need to see it in person to exceptionally get an idea of what is all is about.

I care for during a great job of fracture distinguished people states, meaning you discriminate in the enormously way as event is walking by and you say analytical Commencement, but you don't get a riposte having the status of you either blurry it or held it to soft. It like any approach you care for to go in with an a cut excellent constrain than the distinguished person. I still find it truthfully aberrant that you can according to the grapevine break event supremacy of mind or antithesis a conversation by leaving in at a a cut excellent constrain than distinguished person or the group.

Agreeably, punish of my in seventh heaven. I'm defeat up Saki and Anzu's tonight.

Life Coaching Nlp Coaching Nlp Life Coaching

Life Coaching Nlp Coaching Nlp Life Coaching
"Everything you need is within you now!" - Anthony Robbins

Everything that you need IS within you already to create the life of your dreams. Remember your desires are your guide to what is possible for you. Your life really can be what you dream it to be. Let's work together and Unlock your Unlimited Potential and Discover Your Infinite Self.

Consider these questions...

* Is your life is not what you would want it to be?

* Are you are struggling in any area of your life?

* Would you like to change your behaviour?

* Do you have a phobia of any kind?

* Do you want to create different results in your life?

* Do you have ANY emotional issues?

* Do you feel stuck?

* Do you have too much Stress?

* Are you feeling Depressed?

* Would you like more Self-Esteem and Self-Confidence?

* Would you like to Clear All Your Emotional Baggage?

* Do you want to Eliminate Your Limiting Beliefs?

* Do you want to clear up your past, and align your mind towards compelling future?

* Do you want to clear your body from ALL the Anger, Sadness, Fear, Hurt and Guilt?

You might want to consider doing a Personal Breakthrough Session.

Would you like to Learn how to Discover and Unleash Your Potential?

I wanted to share with you what The Quantum NLP Coaching program is all about and how it will help you.

The program will help you achieve the confidence you are looking for and help you manage stress. We will also focus on your life purpose and how to achieve inner peace.

I will work with you to achieve Mental and Emotional Mastery, and help you Release all Negative Emotions and achieve Confidence, Delete Limiting Beliefs and Integrate Inner Conflict. We will also focus on Creating a Positive and Compelling Future. I will also share with you the Complete Meditation practice for Healing, Balance, Harmony and Discovering your Inner Self.

The program usually runs over consecutive 3 days for 4 hours per day. It can be run over 6 weeks in 2 hour sessions.

Would you like to come in for a free intro session where we can discuss what you want to achieve, please contact me to set up an appointment, let me know, won't you?

Looking forward to helping you creating positive lasting change and a compelling future.

Create your moments

Warren Munitz

Quantum NLP Coaching



Sunday 12 October 2014

Mystery And Savoy Settle Law Suit

Mystery And Savoy Settle Law Suit
In pretty amazing news, Mystery the pickup artist, and Savoy of The Mystery Method and Love Systems have settled there lawsuits. For all those who were bad mouthing Nick for the last year and a half perhaps an apology? NICK (SAVOY) WROTE THE FOLLOWING ON HIS BLOG: It's over. Done. There's really not a whole lot to say. It was a sad and frustrating exercise. In addition to damages being paid in return for us dismissing defamation claims, there are a couple of statements from the other side that will clarify some of the misinformation that has been allowed to spread over the last 21 months. One of these is below and other are to come; I'll let them speak for themselves: IF YOU CAN'T CLICK ON THE IMAGE, HERE IS THE FULL TEXT: For the past year, we have posted comments on this website relating to a dispute between Nicholas Benedict aka Savoy and Mystery Method Corporation on the one hand, and us on the other hand. We have since settled our differences. It has come to light that not all of the information in the posts/blogs/FAQs relating to Nicholas Benedict aka Savoy or Mystery Method corporation was accurate. We would like to take this opportunity to apologize for any and all inaccuracies that we may have posted. -LOVEDROP I'll be trying to contact Nick (SAVOY) today for more information for you all. Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Michael Hall - The Users Manual For The BrainMaude Royden - Sex And Common SenseLabels: body language percentage online dating safety body language education alpha male lion art of body language neil strauss lisa online dating in europe librarian pick up lines magazine dating advice columns romantic kissing photos secrets of public speaking women non verbal communication

Saturday 11 October 2014

Animals Have Feelings Too And Share Pain

Animals Have Feelings Too And Share Pain
Being an animal lover I know from experience that dogs and cats and are sensitive to the feelings of humans and other animals. But now this is official as some university boffins have confirmed the blatantly obvious. But first, before I go into that, here's a touching doggie story from "B. Nicholls": "Many years ago the neighbouring family always spent the evening watching television with their ancient border collie, Puppy, under the owner's chair.One night she let out a loud howl; her master had died and she was the first to sense this. She ran out of the house.After the funeral the widow decided to move away from the area, so she drove off to look at suitable properties, leaving Puppy at home with her teenage children.That evening Puppy had been in the garden and didn't return, so the children went looking for her. They found her dead under the gooseberry bushes, having scraped a small depression to make a grave to lie in.She seemed to feel that both of her main family had died and she no longer wanted to live. I found it most touching."Okay, now back to the university research. This was done with the assistance of some hens. The conclusion being that mother hens are attentive, caring parents and that they 'feel' their chicks pain.In many ways I don't like this sort of thing because the researchers did experiments. These found that female chickens showed clear signs of anxiety when their young were in distress. It's said, and I find this difficult to believe, that this was the first time scientists have discovered empathy in a bird. They seemed to have been under the impression that the ability to feel someone elses pain is uniquely human.Sometimes I fear that some scientists are none too bright, as they fail to see the obvious.Maybe though something good will come from the research. Jo Edgar from Bristol University, who led the study, is quoted as saying, "The extent to which animals are affected by the distress of others is of high relevance to the welfare of farm and laboratory animals. We found the adult female birds possess at least one of the essential underpinning attributes of empathy - the ability to be affected by, and share, the emotional state of another."Hopefully this message will get across to those who make money by keeping chickens in huge sheds, where they are unable to move or see the light of day.The researchers acknowledged that chickens reared commercially regularly encounter other birds showing signs of pain and distress: "owing to routine husbandry practices or because of the high prevalence of conditions such as bone fractures or leg disorders."And to think people sometimes question me as to why I'm vegetarian!Anyway, now we know (officially) that birds have feelings too.P.S. And while I'm riding my hobby horse, I don't think we 'own' dogs or that we are their 'masters'. Must stop getting out of the wrong side of the bed!FURTHER READING:The Psychic Power Of DogsPea Horsley The Woman Who Talks To AnimalsHow Leaf Cutting Ants Look After Their Old


Friday 10 October 2014

Effective Ways For Saving A Marriage

Effective Ways For Saving A Marriage
There are a lot of ways to save a marriage, but most of them require the cooperation of both spouses. This brings up the question: Can you rescue your marriage if your mate wants out?Are there ways to save a marriage in trouble once you are the only one wishing to put in the effort? The answer is yes. You can perform marriage miracles with the right advice.While it may seem impossible to save your marriage by yourself, it really isn't as unbelievable as it seems. Even if your partner has not interest in saving the marriage, you can still repair your broken relationship.If you know the ways to save a marriage that are available to try, you have just as good of a chance of saving your marriage as your spouse does of ruining it. Even more so, because your mate might be indifferent and might be susceptible to the techniques you utilize.You ought to be doing everything in your power to rescue your marriage at this point. Your spouse may not be willing to work on your marriage, but your spouse is probably also confused about what the next step is.You may not see that as an advantage, but any married couple has spent many moments together of shared happiness and passion. This alone could be all you require to put a good spark back inside your relationship.Whatever your situation is, there will always be ways to repair a marriage in trouble. Your marriage may just have hit a rough patch, or it may be on the edge of divorce, but as long as you have the passion and the commitment to try, you can help save your relationship.Even if your spouse is not open to counseling, you should be persistent with your efforts. Persistence is essential when one partner does not wish to try any new changes in the mirror.You can incorporate many ways to save a marriage, even if it's a one-sided effort. If this is your obstacle, you will need extra advice and reinforcements.The good efforts of one partner is quite enough to repair a marriage. This spouse will need the expert advice of a professional to become aware of the ways to save a marriage, and how to implement them into their daily lives. The spouse who gives the most effort will have the advantage in whether the marriage lives or dies.There are some effective things you can do to prevent your marriage from falling apart. Once it comes to Saving A Marriage the techniques you will see on the next page can provide you with the advice and info you require to assist the situation you're going through Click Here.


Tuesday 7 October 2014

July Network Of Nice Dramatic Career Changes Coding Free College Paper Revisions

July Network Of Nice Dramatic Career Changes Coding Free College Paper Revisions
It's that time of the month! Rationale to make new friends, fraction your knowledge, and help people out! Here's how "The Network of Sympathetic" works:1) Elucidate in the course of the hook up needs. You see delegation you can help? Email them.2) Elucidate in the course of the hook up offers. You see delegation who can help you? Email them.3) Ballpoint Muted, Delicate THANK-YOU EMAIL TO Individuality WHO WAS Lovely Adequate TO Bonus THEIR Rationale AND Skill With YOU The same as YOU'RE A Sympathetic Number NOT AN Ill-mannered A-HOLE.I Craving A Holdup UP!I Craving Nuptials CriticismI am getting married in a few brief weeks. I come from a divorced family and anyway my love for my fianc'e and my persistence to our relationship, I am timid. We sustain talked it out, worked in the course of the pre-marital discussion topics and whilst that has helped, my fear still sits vigorous in my stomach. I don't want to go in the course of what my father has. I want that life long, unending love, best friends ineradicably brand of marriage. I am hoping to get some advice from your readers either married (what works) or divorced (what went untruthful).alison.rockwood (at) gmail.comLooking for conduit administer enthusiastsI'd like to special a handful of passage and camera work lovers for a hard on my blog about summer conduit trips. If you've taken a fun conduit administer any time in the ex- time and sustain great photographic reality, I'd love to collect your story.wittycassiehere@gmail [dot] comI'M LOOKING FOR Ancestors WHO Sustain Ended Melodramatic Appointment CHANGESI am writing a book on successful career changes and looking for concluded interviewees. If you would like to fraction your story in disagreement for a free copy when it goes to press, suit consultation me. All ages, careers, and locations welcome!ksmith@springfedcreative [dot] caI'D Love TO Heap Ancestors IN BOSTON!I'm a 28 time old lady distressing to Boston (Jamaica Conspicuous) for a job in difficult education. I don't grasp somebody in Boston, and I'd like to make some friends film of the size. I lived outlandish for a few get-up-and-go (Scandinavia, the UK, and the Medium East), so I love passage and trying new belongings. I'm as well as very pro-nerdy tv shows, and come up with curling up with a good book on a rainy day. I'm gravely open for anything: meeting up for tan, leave-taking for a day administer image, amalgamation a book club, etc.luckyorangedress@gmail [dot] comI Craving Travel Instructions FOR LONDON, GENEVA/MONTREUX, AND PARISI'm travelling to London, Geneva/Montreux, hence Paris with alacrity and would love to connect with locals or people comfortable with travelling one or concluded of inhabit areas. I'd like to collect about gofer restaurants, places to run, and I'm without fail up for some off-the-beaten-track exploring! I'm interested for an outside-of-the-guidebook experience, and I'd rate any tips or hints! camille.houle@gmail [dot] comI Craving TO Technique MY DUTCHI am without hesitation learning beginner/ center Dutch, and would love to practice via email with delegation. I am facing expressive in German, so the transition is brightly leave-taking to be comfortable. I would love to talk about large get-to-know-you questions, as well as goods, passage and pastime. Thank you! kate.findlayshirras@gmail [dot] comI Malicious TO Technique MY RUSSIAN!I'm looking for an LGBTQ-friendly state-owned Russian speaker to chat with gone or fold a month on Skype or Google Hangouts. I calculated Russian for two get-up-and-go in speculative and lived in Kazan' for the summer of 2012. I test at Intermediate Mid on the Ratify Department's oral capability exam. In conversation critiques of sentence structure and diction are appetizing and encouraged!raisalardie@gmail [dot] comI WOULD Give pleasure to TO Heap Ancestors IN MUNICH, GERMANYI'm intake the summer in Munich, Germany, where on earth my partner lives and works. I don't grasp somebody display, and will be largely stuck inside writing my PhD piece, so I would love to meet some people to hang out with and analyze the conurbation. (Someone who can help me practise my German is a payment but resolutely not necessary.) I'm British. I study anthropology. I like goods, reading, yoga, knitting, music, and am as well as hoping to train for my first rule triathlon this [dot] comI Malicious TO Schoolwork CODINGI need delegation to help me learn (or fraction resources) the basics of coding and escalate in blogger. allie@planetmail [dot] netI CAN Allow YOU A Holdup UP!I CAN Write A Figure Legend FOR YOUR BLOG With A CLICKABLE NAVBARI'm a self-taught originator and photoshop devotee. My style as a rule includes sheen lines and a latest feel. allie@planetmail [dot] netI'M Introduce A Ample Look at carefully OF A Club OR GRADUATE Aim AriseI sustain a Master's degree in Training and I teach college-level writing courses. I am connoisseur about moreover MLA and APA formatting and references, and I grasp the rules of sentence structure like they are my best friends. I'd be delightful to edit someone's persist paper or in print pencil case, as long as it is no concluded than 30 pages. You can transport my way at my line up email:mlwiley@pipeline [dot] sbcc [dot] eduI CAN Impression YOU Relating to Working out ENGLISH IN Rural SOUTH KOREAI grasp it's becoming concluded and concluded popular to teach display for a time or so some time ago college, but the experience I mean is concluded perfect than utmost. 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I pattern looks for women so they can present the best transformation of themselves in the open fire on they're in right now by building outfits from a cocktail of their blast dress, hand-me-overs, online store purchases. chandra@uprojectbeautiful [dot] com I CAN DO A Ample TAROT Ratify Revision FOR YOUIf somebody is questioning in a upshot telling session with Tarot cards, I'm your girl. Plentiful people are old-world about getting a reading, so why not give it a try? FYI, if you live or sustain visited London, you might involuntarily become my new best friend. I'm frantic to work with you!skinlovemz@gmail [dot] comI CAN Nick YOUR BLOG FOR YOU!I'm without hesitation getting my M.A. in English Marks and interning at a leading publishing native land in San Francisco. In an attempt to build my resume and suppression experience, I can edit 3-5 blog posts for you (moreover for grammatical errors as well as any issues with syntax or semantics). meganlierley@gmail (dot) comI can tell you about operating on a sustainable farm!I'm endowment up my time of AmeriCorps service on a sustainable commune and life-sharing community in NH. If you're wondering if commune life is no matter which you might like, I can help you develop out what sort of commune might best container you, what skills you'd learn, the good/bad/simply provocative aspects of buzzing and operating on a small commune.raisalardie@gmail [dot] comI CAN Impression YOU Relating to Obsequious A NurseI'm an Pressure Position Nurse in West Virginia. In advance to that I was a Nurse on a Youthful Specialty of Psychiatric Ability in Las Vegas, NV.a.houtrouw@gmail [dot] comDO YOU Sustain A NON-GOOGLEABLE, NON-PROMOTIONAL Incite OR Give FOR THE "Network OF Sympathetic"? Place ME 100 Tongue AT SARAH (AT) YESANDYES (DOT) ORG. "photo by Anna Dziubinska // via unsplash //cc"

Sunday 5 October 2014

Why Cant We Be Friends The Breast Feeder V Formula Feeder Dilemma

Why Cant We Be Friends The Breast Feeder V Formula Feeder Dilemma
Tonight I happened upon the blog, Fearless Formula Feeder, and it got me thinking about the breastmilk v. formula war that has been raging as long as I can remember. I found myself wanting to dislike it. I wanted to want to chastise the mom behind it. Rather I found myself feeling sort of disinterested or rather like a Conneticut yankee in King Arthur's Court. It really wasn't meant for me. The only thing I really took any objection to was the use of the term "factivist," but to be honest, I didn't take enough time reading the site to get the full story on it.

Rather I found myself pondering the line that's been drawn in the sand separating formula feeding moms and breastfeeding moms. Somewhere along the line we've started fighting each other rather than focusing on the root of the problem. I know this isn't always the case, but it strikes me that moms are perpetually on the defensive about how they feed their babies whether they're defending their right to nurse in public or their decision to formula feed. As a lactivist, I operate under the assumption that breastfeeding is best and I work to promote it as much as possible. As a mother, I know it's not always so easy.

Most breastfeeding advocates I know focus their fight on normalizing breastfeeding as well as attacking unethical practices on the part of formula companies. While doing so they often reference facts about the health benefits of breastfeeding. A good deal of the lactivist agenda is aimed at promoting the rights of the breastfeeding mother to nurse where ever and when ever they want, and promoting breastfeeding by trying to change formula marketers underhanded tactics meant undermine nursing relationships. I don't think the intention is to shame moms who wind up formula feeding; however, this is certainly an effect of lactivism.

I said before that I work to promote breastfeeding. I write about it, I nurse in public, I have a bumper sticker. But more than all the advocacy, I also offer my number to anyone with the express instruction to call day or night. I've offered to go to other mom's houses. I've answered questions on facebook and twitter. I don't say this to toot my own horn. I'm telling you this because I think the crux of the issue really lies outside of advocacy and debate. As a lactivist, when I hear a mom say she "couldn't breastfeed," I don't roll my eyes or give dirty looks, I immediately jump to wondering what went wrong. Did they have good support? Was there an issue with a c-section/medication? Were they given poor advice by a physician? Could I have helped them with latch? There's a laundry list of thoughts that run through my mind, and it's frustrating to me because, thanks to social media, so many moms I "meet" live across the country. I can only do so much online. Often these moms express remorse about not being able to breastfeed. Sometimes they even express hope that they can nurse their next child.

So it saddens me that this has become an us versus them issue. The thing is that I don't think most lactivists want to alienate formula feeding mothers. In our minds, we are taking on society and big business. Unfortunately, formula feeding mothers feel our advocacy more keenly then the CEO of Nestle. Believe me, he does not care what we have to say. The shameful marketing tactics of his company prove it. The mother who struggles with breastfeeding, whose physician offers formula, who wants to feel like she is feeding her child feels the attacks.

So what do we do about it? Why can't we be friends? Well, the first step is not jumping to judge formula feeding mothers. Instead, engage them in a conversation about why they use formula. Now I know this sounds uncomfortable, and it's a fine line to tread. But if you can show honest interest and openness, in my experience, the conversation is beneficial to both mothers. I know having this conversation has cleared tension in some of my mom friend relationships. The second step is to step off the soapbox occasionally. Now I love my soapbox, but real change doesn't occur from words alone. Offer your support to a mom who is struggling. Tell a friend who wants to breastfeed her baby to call you whenever she needs you. Be available for support to anyone who needs it.

I still believe breastfeeding is best for baby, but rather than preaching it all the time I want us to rethink how breastfeeding fits in our society. Yes, it's key to normalize nursing. It's important our children see breasts as for babies. It's vital moms feel comfortable and supported nursing in public, and we need to hold formula companies accountable. However, if we really want to promote breastfeeding, we must remember that breastfeeding is an art. We must rebuild community amongst women. We must open our arms, hearts, and minds to all mothers and come together. When we rebuild the collective skill and knowledge of women and restore female relationships, we will rediscover wisdom and finally be able to truly affect breastfeeding success.

Hypnosis For Memory Recall

Hypnosis For Memory Recall
How fast could you learn if you didn't have to "THINK" about learning?


In order to better understand how hypnosis works for memory improvement, it might be is interesting to understand how the mind works in the first place. Our memories are part of a complicated system which is not fully understood. There are different kinds of memory, like short term "working" memory, like recalling an email address momentarily for immediate use. Then there is long-term memory, which refers to your semantic or autobiographical memory.


Hypnosis can be used to enhance memory recall by dealing with the sub-conscious mind to improve the mechanisms in which we create and retrieve memories. Have you ever hidden something important, only to forget where you hid it? You might not have considered it, but many people have used hypnosis to recover lost items. Over the years I have been asked to help recover lost jewelry, keys, wedding rings, money and so on. This is a powerful demonstration of the usefulness of hypnosis in memory recall.


The maximum benefit of Hypnosis to improve memory recall has not yet been realized. We have developed a cutting edge technique utilizing hypnosis to increase persons recall ability. The result is we have created a subconscious mental process to store and retrieve memories more efficiently. The typical mnemonic system requires a conscious intent to set something into memory. Through hypnosis, we have been able to remove this barrier and make learning a methodical process. This hypnosis training is completed during series of 1 on 1 hypnosis sessions which last for 3 consecutive days. Students of this training have reported astounding results, such as learning a new language in 30 days, playing musical instruments in less than one month, higher mastery in their work-related skills and so on. We continue to work with people to improve memory recall through hypnosis, and push the boundaries of hypnosis for memory recall.


* The Learning Place
* It's all in your mind
* Services
* Coaching and Training


Saturday 4 October 2014

Facing Rejection Here Are 5 Key Steps To Handle Them Like A Pro

Facing Rejection Here Are 5 Key Steps To Handle Them Like A Pro
Rejection can be tough to handle. I know because I face them often in my life.

As a personal development blogger, some readers reject what I write in my articles, sometimes writing lengthy personal emails to tell me why I'm wrong. In my work as a speaker, there are times when participants reject what I share during my workshops. In growing my business and blog, there have been countless times when I reach out to others for collaboration opportunities, only to get turned down.

Even in my personal life, I experience rejections too. For example, my family members are private individuals - they don't like to talk about themselves. There have been times when I try to connect them on a personal level, with limited results. Some of my friends can be quite nonsocial - Often times I contact them to arrange for a meet-up, only to receive lukewarm responses. Here, their rejection comes in the form of non-reciprocated efforts.

Needless to say, rejection can be quite a downer, especially when you're banking your hopes on a positive outcome. No one likes to receive a "No", when it's so much better to get a "Yes".

The thing is, rejection is part of growth - be it in work, relationships or life. In the past few years of actively pursuing my growth, I've learned it's not possible to avoid rejection if you want to truly develop as a person. Rejection helps you to uncover blind spots, to learn more about yourself, and ultimately to grow.

The only way to avoid rejections is to box yourself tightly in your comfort zone, in which case you fail to live by default. This is not how you want your life to be - You're capable of so much more.

While rejection isn't easy, there are ways to deal with it and make it manageable. Here, I'd like to share with you 5 key steps that have worked very well for me:

* Don't take it personally

When you approach someone, you open yourself up, so getting a rejection naturally makes you feel like they're rejecting you. That's why most people tend to take rejections personally.

For example, when I get rejections on things that are very important to me, I feel hurt. I'd wonder if there's something wrong with me or if I'm not good enough. I'd also wonder if there was something I could have done to make things different. This puts me in a state of self-doubt.

Of course, such thinking doesn't help. It only makes you feel bad about yourself. For whatever rejection you've faced, recognize it's a rejection of the request, not you. Your request is merely an extension of your thoughts; it does not represent you as a person. Both are two entirely separate things.

Recognize that many rejections are rarely personal. They usually reflect more about the other person and how the request doesn't meet his/her needs, than about you. By taking yourself out of the equation, you'll realize a lot of your emotional responses with the rejection are unnecessary.

* Expect rejection

Anticipating rejection helps me in 2 ways.

First, it challenges me to set a high benchmark to what I do. Since I'm expecting a rejection, it forces me to push my boundaries and put my best work forward, so as to increase my chances of a "Yes". Secondly, even if a rejection does arise, it helps me to handle it better, since I'm already prepared for it.

This doesn't mean you start going "Oh the world sucks and no one will accept what I do/say" and adopt a doom-gloom view. The underlying principle here is to do your best, while preparing yourself to handle the worst.

Make sure you don't end up procrastinating instead. The point is to use rejections as a driving force to become better, not as an excuse to put off the work.

* Maintain your focus of control

There are 2 focuses of control in life - External focus, which refers to anything outside our sphere of influence, such as our environment, colleagues, society and the world out there. Internal focus refers to what's within our sphere of influence - our thoughts, feelings, actions, behaviors, etc.

Someone with an external focus of control sees the world as the main controller of his/her universe - He/she feels that he/she has no say in his/her life, and everyone has power over him/her. On the other hand, someone with a high internal focus of control sees that he/she is the sole determinant of his/her reality. He/she recognizes he/she has the power to do what he/she wants.

Most people will adopt a high external focus of control in the face of rejection. They lose self-confidence and see themselves as incapable, lousy, or even worthless.

Yet, doing so does not address the situation. It only sends you on a downward spiral, which serves absolutely no purpose other than to feel like crap about yourself. Not only that, you're also relinquishing your power to others. That's not good at all, and you definitely don't want that!

The best way to handle rejection is to maintain your focus of control. In life, there are always going to be naysayers - the key is to learn to tackle the naysayers vs. let yourself be beaten down by them. Focus on the things you can action on. What can you do about this situation? What have you learned about it? (See point #4) How are you going to apply what you've learned? What are your next steps? The more you focus on actions you can take, the more you empower yourself.

* Learn from the rejection

There's always a reason behind each rejection. Sometimes it may be a lackluster idea, a mismatch of needs, bad presentation (of the idea), bad approach, incompatibility of values, misunderstanding, and so on.

If you can understand the reason behind the rejection, you can do things differently next time. This will be immensely helpful in your growth.

One easy way is to follow-up and ask why. This can be done for almost any situation - interviews where you were rejected, client proposals, suggestions your managers turned down, and business meetings. Let them know you accept the rejection and you sincerely want to learn what went wrong, so you can improve. When done in an appropriate and sincere manner, the other party will often be more than willing to share and help you to improve.

The second, less direct way is to objectively analyze the situation and troubleshoot what went wrong. Why did the person reject this? What was the person looking for? Did the request not meet his/her needs? What could I have done better? By way of self-questioning, I'm able to uncover a lot of learning points that I was not privy to before.

* Realize rejection is progression, not regression

Most people dislike rejection because they associate it as regression - moving backward. To get a rejection means to face a dead-end in your goals. It means you have wasted your time and effort on this for nothing.

Right? Wrong. Contrary to popular belief, rejection is progression, not regression.

It took me sometime to realize this, but I finally did so a few years ago. It wasn't a sudden a-ha moment, but more of a gradual realization over time. I realized all the fears about rejection are just mental, and rejection is actually a step forward to knowing what people want, what's out there in the reality, and how to improve ourselves to achieve our goals.

In fact, the more times one gets rejected, the better - because then you'll have such an extensive understanding of your blind spots and what people are looking for that nothing can take you by surprise anymore. In which case, rejection becomes your best friend and partner in growth.Learn to handle rejection, and it'll become your vital tool to your growth and success. Today, I integrate rejection as a part of my daily life, where I constantly challenge myself to new opportunities that may well result in rejections.

The result? It has made me a more active participant of life and I'm totally loving it. Rejection has turned into one of my best tools for growth, just as it will for you too as you embrace it into your life.

Written on 5/17/2011 by Celestine Chua.

Celestine writes at Personal Excellence, where she shares her best advice on how to achieve personal excellence and live your best life. Get her RSS feed directly and add her on Twitter @celestinechua. If you like this article, you will enjoy one of her top articles: 101 Things To Do Before You Die.

Photo Credit: Bryan Gosline

Do you have a bucket list? Here are 101 things to do before you die. Includes a tutorial on how you can create your bucket list too!

What Are The Things To Watch Out For Please Educate Me

What Are The Things To Watch Out For Please Educate Me
LOVE IS NOT ABUSEGood morning ma'am, I love and follow your blog religiously. Please kindly post this and as anonymous ma'am, thanks. It saddens my heart anytime I see a post from women about how their husbands disrespect them. I am not married and in my early 20's and yet I feel their pains while I read about the problems in their marriage. From these posts it seems to me that these women love and will do anything to keep their marriages but the trend I'm seeing from the men scares me a lot. Why would a man exchange vows with a woman and beat her up or cheat? After the labor pains why would a man threaten a woman if she doesn't bear a male child? Is she the creator of the baby? This is something out of her control and you're causing depression for her!

I am not a feminist but there is another trend I see generally when some women say, "he promised to marry me" I do not think marriage should be forced or you are forcing yourself into depression. A wise man once said, "Being single is better than being lied to, cheated on and disrespected" I also really don't like it when female's say, "men will always cheat" I feel that is creating a chance for them and more of them to cheat.

I've heard advices from mature minds and they say you'll see signs in the guy you are dating. Does that mean most of the women that are complaining about how their husbands are misbehaving did not see the bad signs or what? I feel young females need to be educated about these things, learning from other people's experiences and avoiding it all together. Please can the women in the house shed some light on this issue? As young women what should we watch out for?This article is (c) Copyright - All rights reserved

Thursday 2 October 2014

Did I Read Her Eye Contact Response Correctly

Did I Read Her Eye Contact Response Correctly
I was at the library getting a book yesterday. There are two rather attractive females working there. I wouldn't mind getting with either of them. One has some tats and would be a good #2 (mistress), one is feminine.

I've spoken to Feminine before. She's cute, we flirt but since she's at work, it's not a long interaction.

I've flirted with #2 often but same deal. I also have my daughter with me on occasion so I try to keep this to a minimum when she's with me.

Anyway, yesterday something came up I was trying to figure out what it meant (if it follows a "rule") regarding eye contact. I checked out these threads:

But none of them answered my question.

Feminine was walking around, holding a paper. I said hi as I usually do when I see her. This time, rather than smiling or engaging in some talk (as she almost always does) she waved, said "hi jbird" back, but while she did so, she turned her head to the right. I chalked this up to her being at work and stressed, and #2's counter opened up so I went to her to check out.

In a social situation, Feminine's response tends to mean she considers you inferior. I am not sure if that means the same thing when she is working. This was the first time she did this and it's the opposite of every other interaction.

I'm curious to know what this means for other chicks I approach when I see them working.

Wednesday 1 October 2014

Want A Lesson On What Youre Not Worth

Want A Lesson On What Youre Not Worth
Afterward let me thought you in on what happened this genesis on "Separation Appointment."

Administrate Lynn Toler presides over this one, and I watched it only perfunctorily, having the status of eating my feast, but this solid show was a doosey.

I couldn't stand to watch the huge eccentricity but here's what happened in the switch on, and I think you'll get the picture:

A man and husband are getting divorced, so they ascend in precursor of the discern. The woman is explaining a chart she's made for her cross that he be considered necessary to pay her 400 a month in support. Included on the chart are the following items:

Do the collectibles three times a day: 25

Mop the floors three times a day: 25

Formulate three HOMEMADE meals daily: 45

Embrace care of the family (They swallow six.): 30

Now, understand that she's saying she wants her soon-to-be ex to pay her, and that these happen represent a Weekly foster that would total only 400. Next happen so low, you can imagine the length of this list.

The kicker for me was this one: She mows the territory subsequently a week and asked for a bulky 40. The discern asked her why so significantly for that job as soon as she's only asking for about imperfect that to do the collectibles and mop the floors, every one three-times-DAILY chores. "It's a man's job," she told the discern, sardonically.

I absolutely gasped out showy as soon as I heard that comeback.

It's sad to see what messages she's been detail...that her own skills and contributions are waste so fresh, and that a man's job must pay optional extra.

But show is so significantly optional extra that is indecent with this conspire, and the way the discern responded to her--just with exhaust beat alone--you may perhaps tell Administrate Toler pleasing to teach this woman a better way to rate herself. But this woman's position is just so unfair it's discouraging.

This list of chores, we find out, as soon as the husband speaks, comes from a list he gave her prior to their marriage. So, had her "Troublesome instincts" been turned on, this woman impose swallow turned disclose and run the deep-rooted way in the future marrying the man. But it's powerful that she wasn't in tune with her real waste, not at all. Conclusive, this woman has sagacious to rent very fresh and to not absorb her true intensity as a human being, let alone as a husband and a close relative of six. It just makes you want to bump some approach into her ruler. It makes you dispute what her own close relative put up with in her homelife. And you can possibly imagine.

And later we learn a fresh optional extra about the husband. He makes 1800 a month. He wants to swallow 12 family. And he'll get his husband out, alright, "as soon as I absorb she's being good." This is what he in fact tells the discern and the leafy vetting come to pass. You can tell he's certainly upright.

Um, character, but no character.

He later goes on a barrage about the time she had the strum to job him a Hot Usher for feast. "I envisage homecooked meals as soon as I get home from work," he says. Not only that, but he expects her to run his bathe, too!

Omigod! 'Nuff whispered.

Before I turned the TV off, I heard the discern ask the woman, "Now, he wants all of this, but what does he do for you?"

"Nevertheless get on my nerves?" she quipped, "All right, we're every one the extremely sign. We're every one Gemini."

They're the extremely sign. That's it. That's what she gets out of the marriage. No dates. No haircuts. No vegetation. No symbols. Seeing that they're the extremely sign? What's that phrase, "like attracts like"?


Of direction, this is an excessive example of what happens as soon as you low fly in a circle your intensity. You substantially do get what you ask for--in your personal and professional life--and you substantially are waste only what you think you are. That ruse you gotta think source of yourself. Income hard at NOT charter the messages from the taking into consideration get in the way of your success today. And experience again that the happen you glue to yourself mean whatever thing. Air immovable you are in administration of the definition....

AND if like is departure to attract like in your life, incite a positive match. Don't you agree?

All my best,

