| Books

Tuesday 30 December 2014

Roissy On Hbd And Game

Roissy On Hbd And Game
I've been critical of the assertion that the Game movement is an ideal vehicle for HBD to hitch a ride in on its way to popular acceptance. Roissy just posted on the subject. This excerpt gets at the most important part of that post:

So HBD nerds need to get over the obvious "money/looks/fame" box within which they argue and constrict themselves, and begin to see that, like human differences in general, there is room to remake ourselves into better versions of who we are. To deny this is to deny there is any reason to put forth effort into anything of note after birth. There is more than one way to pierce a pussy. Women love game-spitting charming assholes as much as they love resource-providing stoic captains of industry. There is no contradiction in this observation.As I point out below, the condescending attitude directed at those who aren't sold on the narrative isn't something to get caught up on. It's part of the game, er, Game. I suppose I could seriously argue that Game is a way for guys who aren't where they'd like to be in terms of "money/looks/fame" to convince themselves that they are at least on par with, if not superior to, those who have more money, better looks, and greater fame than they do, but who tend to excuse themselves to use the restroom in casual conversation rather than just leaving mid-sentence to heed nature's call like PUAs do. Yet even though it's said that status is everything, there is no concrete evidence that this is the case, and even if it were, it does not speak to the veracity of the narrative. Ideas, not the people who promote them, is what we're after, right?

I left the following comment:

Great post. The errant idea that Game somehow epitomizes the realities of HBD needed to be tempered. That Game takes down the feminist myth about gender being a social construction by illustrating that there are differences in what men and women are attracted to (the primary point of difference being how on the guy's pie chart physical attractiveness also covers all the space that is devoted to social status on the girl's chart) is, from an HBD evangelist's perspective, solid gold.

However, the fact remains that Game is founded on the premise that all the female detection mechanisms that have been honed by selection (natural and sexual) throughout human evolutionary history do a pretty crummy job at what they're commissioned to do. The degree to which they fail is open to debate--and your assessment is more attuned to reality (they do an okay job, but they're far from precise) than those made by some of your most zealous minions (they basically don't exist) are--but it's axiomatic that they are significantly flawed.

This is in contrast to the detection mechanisms of men, which are far more perspicacious than those possessed by women are. Science has thrown a few wrenches into man's well-oiled machine with plastic surgery, breast enhancement, and the like, but prior to World War I, women were almost powerless to do anything at all to influence male detection mechanisms.

HBDers like OneSTDV and Randall Parker (both of whom I have great respect for) would be wise to acknowledge this. That by no means implies that either HBD or Game is bunk--genetics and ancestry aren't everything--but they aren't natural bedfellows. Using one to push the other is akin to using geology to sell people on the wonders of chemical engineering--there's a bit of overlap, but we're not talking accounting and finance here.

I don't take any offense at the slights directed my way, either. The atmosphere is such that to question any aspect of Game is to tacitly admit to being unsuccessful with women, much like questioning the idea that discrimination is the reason for the black-white achievement gap is to tacitly admit to being a racist. Conveniently enough, my recent tangling of tongues and limbs with a voluptuous black girl serves as a refutation two-fer, but I don't get bent out of shape when my anonymous pseudonym is disparaged as being piloted by a 40 year-old virgin who leads Klan cross-burnings on the weekends!

Books My Boyfriend And I Have Argued About 1 Harry Potter And The Deathly Silence

Books My Boyfriend And I Have Argued About 1 Harry Potter And The Deathly Silence
Welcome to a slightly different new feature at "Booking in Heels; "one that's dedicated to the Richter-scale rows caused by various books and book-related concepts in the "Heels" household. And I'm not talking a mild discussion over a nice cup of tea during the adverts of "Dancing on Ice. "We're talking about the batten-down-the-hatches-and-get-ready-for-a-long-Winter-cause-you-ain't-going-"nowhere "arguments that usually culminate in tears, my hurling the book in question at Lewis' head and/or us both texting everybody we know to see who's right and the losing partner claiming that well, "they "must be stupid too. What can I say, we love each other but we're not good at domesticity.

First up, we have the "mother "of all argument-causers. "Harry Potter."

"*there should be ominous music here, seriously* "

We're now at the point where any friend or family member that hears those words around us, instantly drops to the floor and plays dead, in the hope that their existence won't be remembered and therefore be dragged into a hideous, bloody re-enactment of this argument. Klaxons sound when an unsuspecting third party mentions it and everybody hides as Hanna and Lewis whip round and instantly assume a fighting stance, ready to Do Battle.

It first kicked off when we saw "Deathly Hallows: Part Two "at the cinema. I hadn't particularly wanted to go - I don't like any of the others that much because I didn't think they did justice to the books, but Lewis enjoyed them and so requested we attend. I agreed because, like when you see a dead rabbit on the road, some things are so awful you "just can't look away."

But you know what? It was alright actually. Obviously they'd missed out a lot of the smaller parts (like the scene with the family photos and Percy near the end - I loved that) but as a whole, disregarding the unfortunate existence of Emma Watson, it was pretty good. They got the atmosphere right, the tone, the characters... The only thing I didn't like was the strange swishy, over-dramatic battle between Harry and Voldemort, but hey, I could look past that.

Lewis? Not so much. As I said, he liked all the other films more than I did, so he's hardly being snobby. However, he does prefer the earlier ones as being more magicky (all technical terms are my own) because he says the later ones are pretentious and trying too hard to be adult. He loathed this one especially though. I can't remember the exact quote, but I'm pretty sure J.K. Rowling would have an aneurysm if she heard.

So, we left the cinema and the ensuing argument started at quite literally the exact minute the lights turned on and I turned to him with tear-filled eyes and hands clasped in unspeakable glee. It lasted through the ten minute walk to the bus stop, during the fifteen minute bus ride, down the ten minute walk home and for a good half an hour after we got home. That's more than an hour of arguing about Harry Potter, folks.

People always look at me slightly askance when they hear that our biggest argument to date was about Harry Potter, but it's true. It could be because we're so happy in our little snuggle nest of love that we simply don't "have "big things to argument but... let's just say that that's "not "it, shall we?

We're the kind of couple that would have two mules on the wedding cake, assuming we ever got to the Altar without stabbing each other in the first place. We're stubborn. "Reeeaaaally "stubborn. And I love Harry Potter, so I absolutely point-blank would "not "let it go. Well. Except for the part at the bus stop where I flatly refused to speak cause hey, I'm a grown up y'all.

I'm sure the woman at the bus stop was only dissuaded from calling the Domestic Abuse Hotline when she gleefully edged closer to listen a bit more (as old ladies around strange arguing couples always do) and found that the word 'Horcrux' was occasionally snarled and decided that we were merely crazy, not abusive.

So, during this time we vehemently were discussing the merits (or lack ther) of Harry Potter, as you do. Lewis has read up to "The Prisoner of Azkaban "and liked them, but got distracted by something else before "The Goblet of Fire "and never went back. Point is, he's never read the book in question so he was claiming the film was bad, and therefore the book must be also.

He says the books are badly written. Not the prose exactly - it's just that he thinks J.K. Rowling got so carried away with her success that she just rammed any old tripe onto paper and shoved it away to Bloomsbury. The ending to "Deathly Hallows "is anti-climactic and the entire Horcrux concept is pointless and trying to be too adult when they're supposed to be children's books.

"Personally, I think the plot is very clever. Not all of it, obviously. It has its faults - look at the middle of the book where they wander around the tent aimlessly for ridiculously long length of time. But I like how it links back to previous books - like how the diary in Chamber of Secrets "is relevant in the end and the basilisk's teeth also make a reappearance. I think it shows planning and commitment to the whole story arc that she can relate the last book back to the all others.

Lewis claims that anybody could churn that out - relevance in later books is easily faked. If Harry used a spoon in "Prisoner of Azkaban, "it could easily later turn out to be The Spoon of Destiny, and it doesn't prove she's a good writer. He also has ranty issues with the relationships (but yeah, okay, I'll give him that one), various deaths and unnecessary darkness.

I also love all the tiny little characterisation points, most of which don't make it into the film. I think they show she's a good writer. As examples, we have '"NOT MY DAUGHTER, YOU BITCH' "and the part where the three Houses all kind of snarl and point their wands at the Slytherins. Either of those will bring tears to my eyes and provoke that funny tight feeling in my stomach.

Not so Lewis, for he is a Manly Man (we watched Gnomeo ">L: She can't write!

H: She can!

L: She can't!

H: *cries* She can!

L: Are you stupid!?

H: I hate you!

During which much was resolved, naturally.

Eventually (and that's a loooong 'eventually,' people
) Lewis brought me a cup of tea and cautiously nudged it towards me, and I stopped sniffing pointedly into my tissue and edged a little more Lewis-wards, so we're all good.

For now.



How To Get Over A Fear Of Online Dating

How To Get Over A Fear Of Online Dating

Dating makes us vulnerable. It creates social anxiety and brings with it the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Online dating is a great place to start for women who have a hard time starting new relationships. But what happens when a woman is too scared to even try online dating? Is there any hope for them? How can a woman overcome the fear that is holding her back and getting in the way of finding true love? Here are three steps to help dating via the World Wide Web and gain confidence to find Mr. Right.

1. Move at your own speed. Remember, one of the biggest pros of online dating is that you can move at your own speed. If you begin messaging with a man and he's pressuring you to meet in person before you're ready, then decline the invitation and move on. You get to determine how fast or how slow a relationship progresses.

2. Find the root of your fear. Behind every fear there is a reason for it. What's yours? Maybe it's a fear of rejection, a fear of having your heart broken or a fear of commitment. You need to first identify your fear and work to overcome it.

3. There's a difference between fear and caution. Many women are cautious of online dating because they want to make sure the man they are talking to is authentic. Make sure you understand the difference between fear and being cautious and don't mix up the two. Every woman should have her guard up until respect and trust is earned. If you've never tried online dating, then ask yourself how you can be scared of something you've never even tried. Joining an online dating site should be fun and take less stress than traditional dating. Remember, many of the men online are just like you - busy in life and looking for a meaningful relationship.


Sunday 28 December 2014

Ways To Stop Divorce

Ways To Stop Divorce
Get back with your exThere are plenty of ways to stop divorce if the two of you have changed your minds and decided to stay together. If you have been separated for a while and live in a state where you had to file separation papers, they are already on file with the court pending your divorce. If the state you live in does not require separation papers to be filed your process will go a little smoother.In states requiring separation papers be filed, if you want ways to stop divorce and to get back together then you must now sign a piece of paper that says you want to revoke the separation and then get it notarized. Then you can be free to move back in together and begi your life together all over again.If, however, there was a petition for dissolution of marriage filed with the court during the separation by one or both of you then you will have to petition the court to dismiss the petition, then go before the judge to have the settlement agreement revoked as well.Click to get your ex backYou can choose to leave it at having the judge dismiss the petition for dissolution of marriage but if you do not get the settlement agreement revoked then if things eventually do not work out between you then you will be bound by the original settlement agreement set in place by the court.Leaving the settlement agreement in place means that if there is another break down of communication then one or the other can have contempt motions filed against them by the other. It is in your best interest to try to work on making things better between you instead of heading for divorce court.In states that do not required separation papers to be filed but you have petitioned the court for dissolution of marriage then all you need to do is ask the judge to dismiss them then get on with your lives. If no court papers have been filed then just get on with things like you normally would. Nothing further needs to be done.If you relationship inevitably does not work out then you already know the step to take to file for dissolution of marriage and you can file a new petition. Remember, though, that if you have both hired a lawyer to watch over your best interests then you could be shelling out quite a bit of money during these times. So, make up your minds about what you want before hiring an attorney.Laws for filing separation papers and divorce papers are different in every state. Make sure you know what your state requires. You could call and ask a divorce attorney beforehand to get your facts straight. A family law attorney can tell you what the process is for filing and then undoing a separation. So, what does this mean? Find an attorney to talk to before you do anything. Even for ways to stop divorce. The subject of this article is meant for your information only and is written by a non-attorney. The information in this article should not be used as legal advice.6 tips to help your ex to fall back in love with youHow to get Your Wife Back After a Breakup or Divorce

Thursday 25 December 2014

What Is Hypnosis

What Is Hypnosis
FLORIDA HYPNOSIS - WHAT IS HYPNOSIS THE DEFINITION HYPNOSIS can be defined many ways and that is really not my intention for the most part. However, I will also vaguely go into that also, but not yet. The definition of HYPNOSIS varies from HYPNOTIST to HYPNOTIST and even from PERSON to PERSON. I am not here to define HYPNOSIS, but "I am" here to become" the greatest hypnotist alive." I think that is mostly, because it is a skill that separates one from everyone else. So, lets get to it. WHAT IS HYPNOSIS you may be asking.FLORIDA HYPNOSIS WHAT IS A TRANCE THE DEFINITION According to Merriam-Webster, "HYPNOSIS IS A TRANCELIKE STATE that resembles sleep but is induced by a person whose suggestions are readily accepted by the subject" (2011). According to Merriam-Webster, TRANCE is "A STATE OF PROFOUND ABSTRACTION or absorption or a sleeplike state (as of deep hypnosis) usually characterized by partly suspended animation with diminished or absent sensory and motor activity" (2011). This is true for the most part, but to say it is completely true would be almost idiotic to say the least. The definition of trance differs greatly from the definition of HYPNOSIS, so basically they are saying we really do not know, but we think it is this. I say hypnosis is a subjective experience. Your In-Trance to Success, Ricky W. Strode Florida Hypnosis References Merriam-Webster. (2011). "Hypnosis". Retrieved Merriam-Webster website: Merriam-Webster. (2011). "Trance". Retrieved Merriam-Webster website: OUT MORE ABOUT HYPNOSIS FROM FLORIDA HYPNOSIS Evolving Human Evolution - EHE - You can ORDER YOURS TODAY. This is going to take hypnosis, nlp and other forms of change modalities ways it has never been before.UPGRADE YOUR MIND WITH EVOLVING HUMAN EVOLUTION - EHE. Now, Learn Faster, Easier and With More Pleasure by utilizing your mind in new ways and making what you were already doing more fun. EVOLVING HUMAN EVOLUTION IS ABOUT ACCELERATED LEARNING. Evolving Human Evolution is a model for increasing your ability to process information unconsciously, faster, with more precision and more. IT APPLIES TO EVERY SINGLE FIELD OF STUDY. BECAUSE EVERYTHING INVOLVES LEARNING. If you want to INCREASE YOUR ABILITY TO RECALL INFORMATION, LEARN FASTER AND WITH MUCH MORE PLEASURE, THEN THIS IS DEFINITELY SOMETHING YOU WANT. YOU CAN SUBSCRIBE BY CLICKING SUBSCRIBE TO OUR NEWSLETTER. You know what they say, WITH MEMBERSHIP COMES PRIVILEGES. So, SUBSCRIBE TODAY. THIS IS HISTORY IN THE MAKING. FIND YOURSELF AT YOUR IN-TRANCE TO SUCCESS TODAY IF YOU WANT TO MAKE CHANGE OR CHANGE-WORK EVOLUTIONARY, INCREASE YOU SKILLS EXPONENTIALLY, MAKE CHANGES EASILY, QUICKLY WITH MORE PLEASURE STILL, THEN YOU ARE AT THE RIGHT PLACE. FIND OUT MORE TODAY - FIND OUT HOW I CAN HELP YOU FIND YOURSELF AT YOUR IN-TRANCE TO SUCCESS. Learn faster - Learn Easier - More Pleasure - Recall information Faster - Enjoy It Even More - Learn More about What you think You already think you know - learn the art of learning faster - Learning easier - And More - Get Volume 1 of the Evolving Human Evolution series today to kick start your adventure in Upgrading You - Upgrade Your Brain Today with Evolving Human Evolution - Then Go Beyond That with the rest of the series. Find Yourself at Your In-Trance To Success. Your In-Trance To Success - Hypnosis NLP More. Find out More about hypnosis.

Wednesday 24 December 2014

Disc Personality Profile Test

Disc Personality Profile Test

Disc Personality Test

Disc personality system is the language of behavior and character. Behavioral characteristics is classified and grouped together in four main divisions called personality divisions. And People are divided in these main personality profile. People with similar personality profile are grouped in one group. Specifically, DISC, terminology stands for four personality style.

D- DRIVEGeneral Characteristics of people fall in this category: People who fall here are direct, straight forward, decisive, high Ego Strength, problem solver, risk Taker, self starter. Instead of all these, they have weakness also. They oversteps authority. They have argumentative and egoistic attitude which is not digestible to most of the people. They don't want to be bound in routine and discipline, want to make their own routine and they love freedom. And they attempt every work more than their capacity at once. People who are under this category tends and motivated to take new challenges and risks.

I- INFLUENCEGeneral Characteristics:People who are under this section are enthusiastic, talkative, impulsive and emotional. They can encourage others to obtain their goal, a kind of motivator. They have a positive sense of humor and a kind of peace maker or negotiator.Their weakness are they are more concerned with popularity and inattentive to details. They overuses body language or gestures which makes them funny sometime. They fear of being rejected for something or by someone. They are motivated by flattery, popularity. They have a craze of self importance. They want to be free from many rules and regulations which tend to capture their freedom.

S- STEADINESSGeneral Characteristics: Firstly, people under this segment are a good listener so they are a good team player. They are possessive but friendly. They are a loyal team worker, reliable and dependable. Their foremost weakness is that they can't resist change, very sensitive to criticism. They have a fear of loss of security. They are inspired or motivated by loyalty, safety and security. They do not accept sudden changes in lifestyle and routine and they takes a lot time to be adjusted in new environment.

C-COMPLIANCEGeneral Characteristics:People fall under this category believes in accuracy. They are analytical and careful. They tries to find exact facts and they are very systematic. Their weakness are that, they need clear cut boundaries or limitations for every work even in relationships. They are bound by procedures and methods. They fear with critics and are motivated by high quality standards, limited social interactions and tasks with details.

These are some of the characteristics of people who falls under these four categories. Find which personality type you are by these Disc personality Test.

Learning Journals For Leadership Development

Learning Journals For Leadership Development
I've had a couple recent requests from readers for information on learning journals:

"I've been intrigued by the idea of using journaling & reflective writing, but can't find any resources for how to get that off the ground. I'm worried about pitching it to people who may feel like it's simply a teenage "dear diary" and am wondering how to provide some structure and support for this kind of process without demanding people turn in their journals for review. Any help?"

"Would you be able to provide me and your readers with the ins and outs of journaling and how to use it as a learning tool? I am very interested in this piece, but not quite sure what goes into it. Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!"

You may have kept a diary as a kid, or were forced to write them as a part of your summer camp experience. Then, perhaps you never used them again.

I guess you could say blogging is a modern electronic form of a journal. That's one of the benefits I get from blogging - writing about leadership development sure has helped my development.

So why and how would you use a journal for leadership development?

First of all, the physical act of writing something down promotes learning. It probably has something to do with internalization and ownership ("I wrote it down so it must be true") - or maybe there's some weird physical neurological thing going on.

Journaling also helps promote reflection, and reflection is a critical component required in order to learn from experience. And of course, learning from experience is where most of our development as leaders comes from.

This is one of those practices where I just can't point to a mountain of research - I just know it works. Besides, no one has ever resisted the idea or questioned it.

Oh, and there's one more very practical reason (now we're talking) for using journals for leadership development. There sure are a lot cheaper and easier to produce than thick 3 inch training binders (which end up in trash cans or gathering dusts on shelves). You can buy a very nice one at any office supply store for under 20.00.

Here are 4 ways learning journals can be used for leadership development:


Either send journals out with pre-work material or hand out the first day of the program. Encourage participants to use them to record questions, notes, insights, and action plans.

Of all the leadership and management programs I've been to, the one piece of collateral I most often refer to is the learning journal from an executive education program I attended at Darden.


Give one to your coachee as a gift at the beginning of a coaching engagement. Encourage them to write down their goals, actions plans, commitments, what they are learning about themselves, and reflections on assignments.


Stretch assignments and job changes are often used for leadership development. However, what's often missing is taking the time to reflect and debrief with a manager, coach, or mentor. See CCL's Questions That Facilitate Learning From a Development Assignment.


Shadowing is when you find someone who's really good at something and follow them around to learn how they do it. It's a great way to begin to onboard new managers, or for any manager to get better at something. Journals are used to take notes, jot down questions for follow-up, and for self-reflection.

A journal is meant to be a place to record personal reflections, learnings, questions, and notes. It's the property of the learner, and should never be expected to be submitted for review or assessment.

It's so simple it doesn't need structure or instructions - at least not for mature adults. It would kind of take the fun out of it.

How about you? How have you used journals for learning and personal growth?

Monday 8 December 2014

She Makes Her Relationship Partner Wait Months

She Makes Her Relationship Partner Wait Months

Kermit 2006 ISBN: 9780978369439 252 pages PDF 1,1 MB

What makes the same woman be willing to have a one night stand with a stranger, yet she makes her relationship partner wait months for sex? Why do women respond to jerks, and take advantage of nice guys? To read reviews of this book, and seminars based on these teachings check out Everything Out Of Her Mouth is a Test is the seduction philosophy of Frank B Kermit. If you read From Loser to Seducer, then you are already acquainted with Frank B Kermit's story of pain, change and the redemption of a seducer -in- training. In this book, learn about what his beliefs about seduction are, and learn how to understand women the way Frank B Kermit understands them.

Saturday 6 December 2014

Singles And Dating Open Question How To Flirt With A Really Shy Guy

Singles And Dating Open Question How To Flirt With A Really Shy Guy
I was hooked up by one of my friends with this guy and we had only really met eachother once at a party before He went to Bootcamp. We've been texting though but he's amazingly Shy. A friend told me he's still a virgin because he is noooo good with girls, but hes 20 years old. He texts really simple kind of " Lol ok " answers unless i ask him questions or something. He says he just listens and says Lol because thats how he is. I tell him hes cute and he usually says " no you are " and once in a while hell say how he wishes he was here with me, but is there any better way to drag him out of his shell and flirt more? or is it just slow progress? sometimes i feel like i treat him like a child because i dont know what to say or how to say it to him even though hes older than me... hellllppp, i want to make sure he likes me


Friday 5 December 2014

Eat Drink Save Money

Eat Drink Save Money says it best with their slogan: Eat. Drink. Save Money.

If you're looking for a way to save on dates, check out You can eat out and try new restaurants for just a fraction of the cost. How, you ask? They sell dining certificates that allow you to save more than 50% when dining out!

For example, we have a local Brazilian restaurant with a 20 buffet. On, you can buy 25 worth of dining certificates for just 10. If you're looking for ice cream, you can purchase a 10 Cold Stone Creamery dining certificate available for just 3.

Want to save even more? Through the end of this month (FEB 28), you can purchase dining certificates for 60% off. Yes, you read that right. The 10 Cold Stone Creamery certificate for 3 that I mentioned above would only cost 1.20! ("FYI, TO GET THE 60%, YOU NEED TO USE THE COUPON CODE" DINE "WHEN YOU CHECKOUT.")

As with anything that sounds too good to be true, there is a small catch. It's not a deal breaker though. Most dining certificates have restrictions on their validity. For instance, the Brazilian restaurant certificate that I mentioned above requires a minimum dining order of 35 and it can only be used on Sunday through Thursday. Other certificates exclude alcohol.

One other important thing to mention: they expire. So make sure that you use them to make it worthwhile!

If you're flexible with your date night and choice of restaurants, you can enjoy great meals out at just a fraction of the cost. This site is definitely one to check out.

Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Derek Vitalio - Seduction Science

Alexander Chase - The Free Drink Phenomenon

Tyler Durden - Plant And Stare Opener

Labels: body language speech equine body language guide to body language online dating san diego body language gesture watch the pick up artist online negative verbal communication alpha male gym the best pickup lines woman s body language

Wednesday 3 December 2014

Communication Style Quiz

Communication Style Quiz
Author : Carla RiegerTry this fun self-quiz to find out your dominant Communication Style. Afterwards read about the different styles and reflect on how you can work with others of a different style. Choose the number of the statement that most closely resembles you:1. At a large social gathering, you are most likely to:a. interact with many different people, strangers included. b. talk one-on-one mostly with people you already know. c. use the opportunity to make important contacts. d. leave as soon as it is polite to do so.2. When you first arrive at a meeting you are usuallya....a bit late, and try to sneak in the back without being noticed. b....purposely a bit late, you like to get there when things have started happening already. c....arrive right on time and feel impatient if the meeting starts late. d....arrive early so that you can be ready and organized when the meeting starts.3. If you were famous in your field, which career would most suit you?a. Movie star b. Head of a company c. Inventor d. Humanitarian4. What style of entertainment do you most enjoy watching?a. Something warm and friendly. b. Something quirky and intellectual. c. Something political or satirical. d. Something wild, outrageous and/or fun. 5. Of these four personality traits, you consider your strongest to be:a. Compassion b. Assertiveness c. Imagination d. Persistence6. The statement that most closely describes you is:a. Sensible and frugal. b. Rational and quick-witted. c. Sensitive and reliable. d. Creative and fiery.7. Which appeals to you the most?a. Taking action on a calculated risk. b. Creating harmonious human relationships. c. Discovering the secret behind a complex mystery. d. Going to an exciting social event.8. Which rules you more?a. Your heart b. Your head c. Your wallet d. Your libido9. New and non-routine interaction with others:a....usually stimulates and energize you. b....revitalizes you, if you have a special connection with someone in the process. c....taxes your reserves, and you arent afraid to let people know it. d....taxes your reserves, so you quietly slip away when no one is watching.10. When doing group projects, which part of the process is most important to you?a. Creating relationships with people. b. Sorting out who is playing what role in the project. c. Organizing the way the project is done. d. Making sure the process of doing it is fun and exciting.11. If you suddenly have some spare time on a weekend, what you usually most WANT to do several friends and see if there is something fun going on. b....have some quality time with one or a just a few people. c....get a number of important things done on your TO DO list. d....focus your energy on one specific hobby or project.12. You want to buy a special gift for a new friend that you dont know very well. You are most likely to:a. Buy the first thing you see that you intuitively think they would like. b. Carefully find just the right thing, after much comparison-shopping. c. Buy the same special gift you always buy for special people. d. Get someone else to buy the gift, or just give your friend some money.13. Which description most fits you?a. Hard working and ambitious b. Animated and gregarious c. Focused and efficient d. Cooperative and gentle14. Most of the time, when working, you prefer:a. To do your job quietly on your own. b. To be an integral part of a team working together. c. To influence the team in new and creative directions d. To be the leader and structure-maker for the team15. When the phone rings do youa....answer it immediately and talk at length. b....look forward to the call, but wait a few rings before answering. with whoever it is quickly and efficiently. d....hope someone else will answer it.16. Your favorite type of clothing to wear:a Something comfortable, practical and low key. b. A unique ensemble that makes a statement. c. An expensive-looking power outfit. d. Something easy-going and nice.17. Which genre of fiction to you most prefer:a. Mystery, documentary or science fiction b. Feel-good story or romance c. Epic, historical or action d. Comedy, psychological thriller, glitzy 18. Which is more admirable:a. The ability to organize and be methodical. b. The ability to take charge in a chaotic situation. c. The ability to motivate others to succeed. d. The ability to make people feel comfortable and included.19. In terms of comedy, I most closely identify with people who can:a. tell a heartwarming, funny story. b. tell a good joke. c. create great characters through movement, voice, costume, etc. d. tell a witty one-liner, pun, or wordplay.20. If a conflict arises between a friend and I, my first reaction is to:a. make sure they understand my position on things. b. make sure the relationship doesnt get damaged. c. avoid that person for a while. d. find a compromise, where we both get at least part of what we want.Communication Style Quiz - AnswersCircle the answers you chose. Then, count the number of As, Ds, Ns, and Cs you have at the bottom1. a. D b. N c. A d. C 2. a. N b. D c. A d. C 3. a. D b. A c. C d. N 4. a. N b. C c. A d. D 5. a. N b. A c. D d. C 6. a. C b. A c. N d. D 7. a. A b. N c. C d. D 8. a. N b. C c. A d. D 9. a. D b. N c. A d. C 10. a. N b. A c. C d. N 11. a. D b. N c. D d. C 12. a. D b. N c. C d. A 13. a. A b. D c. C d. N 14. a. C b. N c. D d. A 15. a. D b. N c. A d. C 16. a. C b. D c. A d. N 17. a. C b. N c. A d. D 18. a. C b. A c. D d. N 19. a. N b. A c. D d. C 20. a. A b. N c. C d. DTotal As "Total Ds "Total Ns "Total Cs" should come to 20Read on about the various Communication styles. Keep in mind, the descriptions that follow are extreme examples to illustrate how they differ. Most people are a combination of the four styles, and some people are so unique, they dont fit into any quadrant. Use the descriptions simply as a guideline to help you see how workplace communications can be greatly affected by an individuals styleDemonstratorsDemonstrators are people-oriented, fast-paced and enthusiastic. They usually have more open and casual body language. They tend to be animated and outgoing, and prefer an informal atmosphere. Demonstrators can be outrageous, spontaneous, excitable and sociable. They are ideas people who like to be in the limelight. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being unreliable, self-centered, overly optimistic and indiscriminate.How to recognize DemonstratorsThey tend to:* be somewhat disorganized* have trouble being on time and keeping track of details* wear bright colors* sit in an open posture* take the initiative in the conversation* laugh easily and loudly* are fun-loving* like to talk about themselvesTypes of professions where you find many Demonstrators* Salesperson* Trial Lawyer* Entertainer* Public Relations Officer* Advertising Executive* Social directorFamous people who are predominantly DemonstratorsSteve Martin Carol Burnett Robin Williams Jim Carey Lucille Ball Jerry Lewis Elvis Presley Zig Ziglar Pierre Trudeau Marilyn Monroe Charlie ChaplinAssertorsAssertors are fast-paced and direct, like Demonstrators, but are more task-oriented, than people-oriented. They tend to be hard working, ambitious, leader types. They are good at making decisions quickly and efficiently. They are goal-oriented, assertive and confident. Assertors are the take-charge people who let nothing stop them. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too impatient, competitive and judgmental.How to recognize AssertorsThey tend to:* like timeliness and efficiency * look and appear powerful and formal * sit in an erect posture * be highly discriminating in many areas (people, opportunities, food, etc.) * laugh less frequently than demonstrators, maintain a more serious demeanor * take a leadership role in most situations * ask pointed or challenging questions * have strong opinions and creative ideas to shareTypes of professions where you find many Assertors* Corporate CEO * Politician * Stockbroker * Lawyer * Hard-driving newspaper reporter * Independent consultant * Drill sergeant * Film/TV Director * EntrepreneurFamous people who are predominantly AssertorsJonathan Winters Bea Arthur Joan Rivers John Cleese Muhammed Ali Carroll OConnor Ed Asner Clint Eastwood Candace Bergen George C. Scott David Letterman Margaret ThatcherContemplatorsContemplators are task-oriented like Assertors. However they are more indirect and slow-paced. Contemplators tend to be analytical, detail-oriented, thinker types. They are persistent, good problem solvers, and pride themselves on their orderliness and accuracy. Often seen alone, they tend to have quiet, low-key personalities. If over-balanced in this style some weaknesses may show up such as being too withdrawn, rigid, closed-minded, and overly pessimistic.How to recognize ContemplatorsThey tend to:* wear conservative, simple, functional clothing * sit in a closed posture * keep to themselves * not initiate conversations, wait for you to do that * take copious notes * maintain meticulous organization * stay serious, rarely laugh * like to hear facts, figures, statistics and proofTypes of professions where you find many Contemplators* Accountant * Secretary * Bookkeeper * Repair person * Engineer * Draughtperson * Electrician * Plumber * Jeweller * ScientistFamous people who are predominantly ContemplatorsAlbert Einstein Rick Moranis Steven Wright Woody Allen Leonard Nimoy Paula Poundstone Deepak Chopra Victor Borge Carl Sagan Al Gore Angela LansburyNarratorsNarrators are slow-paced and indirect like Contemplators, but they are more people-oriented like Demonstrators. They are warm, friendly, gentle and cooperative. They highly value relationships over goals. They are good at listening, have a sweet temperament, and tend to be open-minded. Most people find them to be loving, and emotionally intuitive. If over-balanced in this style it can show up as overly meek and easily sidetracked.How to recognize NarratorsThey tend to:* come across as very accommodating and helpful * wear casual, simple clothing, nothing too loud * take the initiative to create relationships, like to both talk and listen * have pictures of family on their desk * laugh quietly and often (but sometimes theyre laughing just to be polite) * show gratitude easilyTypes of professions where you find many Narrators* Counselor * Teacher * Minister * Human Resources Manager * Nurse * Social WorkerFamous people who are predominantly NarratorsMary Tyler Moore Bill Cosby Jean Stapleton John Candy Mr. Rogers Gilda Radner Dan Ackroyd Jack Canfield (Editor of the Chicken Soup for the Soul books) Leo Buscaglia Jimmy Carter Barbara Walters Bill Clinton Florence NightengaleCarla Rieger is an expert on creative people skills at work. If you want a motivational speaker, trainer, or leadership coach to help you stay on the creative edge, contact Carla Rieger.Web site: Tel: 1-866-294-2988 Email carla@carlarieger.comKeyword : Communication,speech,self skills,self-improvement,communication quiz,self help,self improvement