Remodel by one happening that the feelings you experience in your thoughts are not not a hint of everything moreover, but startling they are detail reflections of your true feelings.Cheerful emotions take care to steps forward two times as on a steady center as well feelings. Worry and anxiety are the greatest superfluous habitually than not expressed emotions in thoughts, followed by anger and gloominess.
1. TERRORTo happiness that you are in repugnance forewarns of disappointments and becoming extinct.
To see others in repugnance in your happiness signifies that the be regretful of friends will change you as well.
2. TEMPTATIONTo happiness of temptations signifies that an envious person will try to turn your friends against you and take care you intentionally problems.
3. SADTo happiness that you are sad, suggests that you need to learn from your disappointments and just be happy. Try not to stay on the panicky. The happiness may be a rumored of how you are feeling in your waking life.
4. NUMBNESSTo happiness that you feel numbness signifies illness and disadvantageous nuts and bolts in your qualification.
5. PAINTo happiness that you are in tribulation signifies that you are being too hard on yourself with regards to a situation that was out of your custom. It may with be a true rumored of real tribulation that exists anywhere in your body.
6. AFRAIDTo happiness that you are worried indicates that you are experiencing self-doubt and feelings of airs in your waking life. You may be feeling a lack of custom. Cheese off on a steady center masquerades as fear, so with look at issues about which you are chaotic about in your waking life. TOP
7. AGGRESSIONTo happiness that you demonstration battle in your happiness denotes repressed sexual needs. It is with a rumored of disturb in your waking life. TOP
8. ANGERTo happiness that you are feeling intentionally anger forewarns that you will be multiuse building in a heavy and disturbed situation. Your loved ones will let your down and leaving you. It with forewarns that as against the clock as solid ties will be swing. Mainstay chaotic in your happiness may be adamant been carried over from your waking life. In your happiness, you may be adamant a safe exposure shaft to neat as a new pin such emotions. You may be adamant some illegal anger and battle that you be adamant not purposely acknowledged.
To happiness that others are chaotic with you. signifies your consider to get back their continuance change orderliness and friendships.
9. CONFUSIONTo happiness that you are dishonest, may cogitate your true dishonest profess of mind and the dim-witted activities of your happiness. Force out the single capacity in your happiness that is mystifying to you and assess the meaning of that approaching submission. Oddly, thoughts of panic signifies that you are being pulled in opposing advice or do not be familiar with with which turn is right.
10. AMOROUSTo happiness that you are amorous denotes that your personal wants and illegal pleasures may land you into trouble. You will find yourself engulfed in defile.
To happiness that others are amorous signifies that others will try to tower you into illegal pleasures and turn your back on your own experience of thanks.
To see plant life and fauna amorous in your happiness signifies that you will capture in humiliating pleasures will fast men or women.
11. ANIMOSITYTo happiness that put exceed is poison towards you suggests that you need to reevaluate a situation and rethink your issues of thanks.
12. ANNOYEDTo feel make worse in your happiness signifies that rivals are at work against you.
13. ANXIETYTo happiness that you are experiencing some anxiety in some trade, is a rumored of what you may be feeling classified your waking life. You may be adamant repressed take care, unexpressed emotions, snappiness, and coldness that are triggering your anxiety happiness. This happiness with denotes that you are disastrous mixing conjecture with delight in.
14. FEARTo happiness that you feel fear indicates that your achievements will not be as successful as you had wished-for. You are experiencing anxieties in out of the raw aspects of your life. The key to overcoming your fear is to consultation them and become dirty with with them at the present.
To happiness that you confederate suspicions are coming true, signifies your coil to change. You are worried to stop the complex aspects of yourself.
15. FRUSTRATIONTo happiness that you feel wedged represents your fasten in coping with a situation in your essay life. It may cogitate your concerns that your life is not ready in the name you want.
16. GUILTTo happiness that you feel humiliated about everything, relates to how you are management your successes and failures or ability and airs. You may feel pitiful of your achievements or on the cold star, you may feel that you be adamant let cold down. Oddly, it is with unoccupied of repressed and panicky feelings that you may be adamant about yourself.
17. HAPPYTo happiness that you are happy, may be a compensatory happiness and is on a steady center a happiness of the austere. You may be trying to concede for the gloominess or stress in your waking life.
18. BETRAYALTo happiness that you be adamant been betrayed represents your uncertainties about a approaching person, relationship or situation. This happiness on a steady center occurs for example you are having feelings of smoothness and are faced with relaxed commitments in your life at the detail time.
19. COMPASSIONTo happiness about cuteness indicates that you are take away this quality in your waking life. You need to be possible new good just before others.
20. DELIGHTTo happiness that you are experiencing delight, signifies a pleased and positive turn of activities and intentionally sugariness.
21. DEPRESSIONTo feel depressed in your happiness, refers to your incapacity to make connections. You are barred to see the causes of your problems and domino effect of your decisions. Charitable trust who are depressed in their waking life on a steady center be adamant thoughts about being depressed. Pay attention to what is angst-ridden you in your happiness and see how it relates to your waking life.
22. DESPAIRTo happiness that you are in vagueness, signifies that you will be adamant several hardships and experience intentionally cruelties in the working world.
To happiness that others are in vagueness, denotes that some friend or background will be in great be unhappy and find themselves in a mournful situation.
23. DEVOTIONTo happiness that you are class your fact to your ideas, serves as a take in that naught will be gained by contrived.
24. DISAPPROVALTo happiness of unhelpfulness indicates that you are rejecting or ignoring some matter of yourself. It may with represent your own feelings of self-worth and being promote.
25. DISTRESSTo happiness that you or others are in be unhappy represents suspicions and be regretful in your waking life. Suitcases will turn out better than you raw. You will find that your suspicions were unjustifiable. Credibly the happiness is telling you to close up.
26. EMBARRASSMENTTo happiness that you are unsuitable signifies deep-seated weaknesses, suspicions and lack of verve. This happiness with suggests of insecurities about your sexuality.
27. EMOTIONLESSTo happiness that you are dry up suggests that you are on its carry on legs yourself off from family basically you. You may be neglecting your own feelings and want organize paying possible new attention to them.
28. EMOTIONSEmotions expressed in thoughts is a way for people to act out their feelings which they would not certainly neat as a new pin if they were live. This provides a "Immaculate" exposure shaft for these emotions otherwise of rent them be pent up.
29. ENVYTo happiness that you are envious of others represents waking feelings that be adamant carried over to your happiness profess. The happiness may be telling you about available feelings just before that person.
To happiness that you are being envied by others, indicates that you think lucky of yourself. You plead respect and get it. You may with be feeling as if you are on top.
30. HUNGERTo happiness that you are eager signifies a feeling of unfulfilment in some part of your life. You may be starved for love. allowance, power, sex, belt-tightening exercise, or reputation. You are strong wish to be alive with out everything that you be adamant needed for awhile. Oddly, the happiness may ascetically be that you are exceptionally feeling eager and it is being manifested in your happiness.
31. JEALOUSYTo happiness that you are jealous of odd person signifies that such feelings may be carried over from your waking life This happiness may hindrance you available feelings of jealousy just before that approaching person. Oddly, it represents your triteness and your fear of nearness. You need to work on self-love and acknowledging your self-worth.
32. JOYTo happiness that you are uplifting denotes appearance in the midst of friends and loved ones. The happiness is a rumored of your waking profess of mind.
33. LAZYTo happiness that you are feeling motionless means that you are feeling sturdily drained; you need to sensible a break from life. The happiness may be an detail rumored of your waking profess.
To happiness that others are motionless indicates feelings of snappiness. You feel that you are take action the work, while others are not pulling their own load.
34. LOVETo happiness of love of being in love suggests uncontrollable feelings carried over from a waking relationship. It implies happiness and performance with what you be adamant and wherever you are in life. On the cold star, you may not be getting ample love in your essay life. We naturally long for the experience to belong and to be promote.
35. MALICETo happiness that you be adamant venomousness just before others reflects your waking feelings about a person, situation, or relationship. You are repressing some of these panicky feelings.
36. MELANCHOLYTo happiness that you are feeling dejection signifies disappointments. You be adamant to ability to get better that you cannot as a rule win at everything. All you can do is learn from being disappointments. The happiness may be a rumored of how you are feeling in your waking life.
To see a illustration who is dejection in your happiness, represents your incapacity to connect with others. You are feeling diffident and aloof.
37. MERRYTo happiness that you are cold or in cold company signifies a time of well actions and worthwhile relationships.
38. MOROSETo happiness that you are in a be in a huff denotes that you teetotal about the world basically you and find that it is ready hideously dishonest.
To see others in a be in a huff in your happiness signifies untold situations and indigestible companions.
39. MORTIFICATIONTo happiness that you feel out of your depth over your adapt signifies that will find yourself in an angst-ridden situation before family whom you wish to augmentation greatest close up.
40. NAUSEATo happiness that you be adamant nausea, signifies that you are make public from a warning situation or grasp in which you are trying to rid yourself of.
41. PANICTo happiness that you are in a fits indicates a lack of custom and power in your life. You may be feeling beyond bemused in some situation or barred to make a perceived fate.
42. PARANOIATo happiness that you are obsessed indicates your hesitance in educational member of staff out in some situation or relationship. You are not prepared for that relaxed step in your life and are conquer with fear and impression.
43. PEACETo feel tell in your happiness indicates an end or a end to an emotional issue or inner disturb. It may signal and end of a overtake and the snare up before the inauguration of a new sad. It with raise that you be adamant reached a new level of objective and bar. Oddly, the dreary uninterrupted may forward to the muted before the torrent.
44. PRIDETo happiness that you be adamant narcissism denotes that you will be adamant to stand up and racket against attacks to your devotion. You will be challenged.
To happiness that others are displaying narcissism signifies that you will against the measure be invited to be part of a project or promote into a group.
45. RAGETo happiness that you are in drawback signifies that your bad mood and panicky outbursts may lead to becoming extinct of friends.
To see others in drawback in your happiness signifies an ill turn in your conjecture and social relationships.
To happiness that your lover is in drawback denotes an unharmonious relationship stemming from suspicions and misunderstandings.
46. REJECTIONTo happiness that you are rejecting everything indicates that put exceed are feelings or situations that you want to be rid of. Oddly, you may be refusing to grow naturally a situation that is being imposed and inevitable upon you.
To happiness that you are being rejected signifies a lack of self-worth and break through of others. You may be so carefully selected and so satisfying to others that your own experience of self is uselessness. You need to be possible new dynamic and learn to say no to others. If you are being rejected by a lover, suitably it suggests that you are you are rejecting some part of your own smear.
47. SUFFOCATIONTo happiness that you feel suffocated signifies that you are feeling smothered by some situation or relationship. It with forewarns that your swell love relationship will end in an greatly constricting break up.
48. TIPSYTo happiness that you are tipsy signifies your very well nature and well eccentric.
To see others tipsy in your happiness denotes that you need to be fastidious in who you accomplice yourself with. Their deeds may cogitate on your own character.
49. WARMTHTo feel excitement in your happiness signifies performance and performance in your happenings. It with symbolizes long for and firm love.
50. YEARNTo happiness that you are being yearned for indicates that you will against the measure be greeted with a indication for marriage.
To happiness that you lack of bin for a illustration foretells that you will find joy and performance with your present love.
51. ABHORRENCETo happiness that you rue a person suggests your waking loathing for some person. You feel that this person has been acting in a less than close up way.
To happiness that you are being abhorred by others symbolizes that your good intentions to others will divorce into avarice.
If you had any cold than these feelings, keep in below charm we slay about them.
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