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Friday 6 February 2009

Sasha Fierce Motivation Optimism And Resilience Using Nlp Modeling

Sasha Fierce Motivation Optimism And Resilience Using Nlp Modeling
Just like Beyonce anyone could access a motivation state of mindlike an alter ego, when your state is that intense you can cope with what superman can cope with (especially if your normal state is Clark)! A state can be that powerful. The Dynamic-Role Model is a cognitive strategy I discovered while looking at exceptional achievers in life where humans engineer ourselves to become the highest or best we can be. There is a chance for a new beginning when we stop 'knowing" ourselves too well. NLP's evolving and increasing in congruence so I'll explain how I'm using NLP on itself to doubt our average life. MAP IS NOT THE TERRITORY Try continually telling yourself your map is not your "territory" and you'll likely come undone or end up with some contagious new mental disorder yet to be ADD-ed in the (psychology diagnostic manual 4) DSM IV. We tend to be very believing of our "reality" maps, if we understand Milton Erickson's intent and what he was trying to achieve with the statement 'map is not the territory,' my guess would be that it was a useful disconnection with problem thinking. Map: these words you are now reading are 'black', these words are not "black" well not really, black is just the name of the experience of the light contrast. The naming is a useful deception we speakers of English lend to each other as if we all know what each other is thinking. SAPIR WHORF HYPOTHESIS "Human beings do not live in the objective world alone, nor alone in the world of social activity as ordinarily understood, but are very much at the mercy of the particular language which has become the medium of expression for their society. It is quite an illusion to imagine that one adjusts to reality essentially without the use of language and that language is merely an incidental means of solving specific problems of communication and reflection. The fact of the matter is that the 'real world' is to a large extent unconsciously built up on the language habits of the group." IDENTIFYING In General Semantics Korzybski says "be careful of those small words of identity" 'is' and 'are' and 'am'. Nothing could be further from the truth than the idea 'that we are an accountant, dad, teacher or even inspiration.' Up until now NLP has sided with the idea that it is dangerous to identify with some of our ideas like "I am depressed", "I'm an anxious person", "I have low esteem" etc Meaning making is so much apart of our entire neurological make up and experience we simply, without questioning much, all continue linking our meanings/maps to these stimuli-experiences which tends to equal "our realities". We couldn't really believe anything that has not come in through our 5 senses anyway right? True: map is not the territory (music is not the score menu is not the meal) but we tend to make is so, this outside-in approach is only a dirty mechanism on the real truth. It is not that we tend to life and living from the outside world in but that we tend to create more from within (a world) for the outer. "What lies behind us and what lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us." Ralph Waldo Emerson" MODELING SUCCESS As I began modeling excellence, my approach is in opposition to the NLP belief "map is not the territory". What if we forgot to distinguish between map and territory but in a useful way. Map is not the territory seemed exempted, when people are accelerating thier success. Each of them identified with (glued up their map to a quite significant territory). NLP is built around what works. So identifying with something that really helps you get the job done might be worth considering take a look at some who don't mind their alter ego Sasha Fierce is the alter ego name of a very successful singer Beyonce. But she is not the only person identifying with another (imaginary or real) person to help her 'get the job done' in those shy moments. Sean Combs - p. diddy etc Charlie Sheen - Carlos Irwin Estevez Donald Trump - the General Tupac Shakur - Machiavelli (after Nicolo Machiavelli) Brian Hugh Warner - Marilyn Manson Anthony Robbins - the Giant Charles Bronson - Charles Buchinski George Herman - Babe Ruth and the list goes on. So the previous NLP training said to you don't identify with things - now we say map IS the territory, you are the 'one', you are giant, I am the lawn mower, or I am the music, I am the is time to celebrate the alter ego and amplify it. RESULTS Introducing the new alter ego human engineering technique the 'Dynamic Role Modeling'. Some found great power, successfully disconnecting with an average past while increasing control of their talents. Dynamic roles like the following: The Navigator The Inner coach The Shepherd of my thinking The Controller of my thoughts etc SUMMARY So there we have it, sometimes we succeed faster than we can cope. While we maintain a 'folksy plain ole me pizza and movies' inside ourselves, organically or by choice we can find something powerful, (imaginary or not) to bolster ourselves and identify with something so successful that when we need to go onto the stage of life we shine - make the best map your territory can handle! By Darryl Howrie NLP Master Trainer, Author & Coach Email: darryl@nlptc.comWeb: Author: For over 10 years Darryl has presented, trained and coached communication skills. He is a NLP Master trainer in Perth, Australia and the Managing Director of NLP Training & Coaching. He has appeared on national TV and radio and is a sought after trainer for persuasion and influence strategies.

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