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Saturday 30 June 2012

Pathological Altruism

Pathological Altruism
BY BARBARA OAKLEY "Pathological altruism is merely altruism in which attempts to promote the welfare of others instead result in unanticipated harm. Altruism, in other words, isn't an unmitigated good. In fact, it can have horrific consequences. The old adage "the road to hell is paved with good intentions" is all too true. What the concept of pathological altruism does is to put the aphorism's essence onto scientific footing, so we can examine it more carefully and truly understand its effects. Altruism arises in large part from our pre-wired sense of empathy for others. We often don't realize that our empathy can trick us-it can be like an emotional, rather than optical, illusion. You feel a knee-jerk flash of wanting to make someone feel better, and you can end up doing that person a disservice. Whether you give an alcoholic the drink he craves, or a student a high grade she hasn't earned, or you encourage truly unaffordable home ownership or taking out of student loans that will result in a lifetime of indentured service-all of these actions can feel like they're helping, but they truly aren't. The concept of pathological altruism doesn't imply that altruism itself is problematic. Instead, this concept illustrates that both empathic emotion and rationality are important in truly attempting to perform an altruistic act. Sometimes the best thing to do to help someone else is not what your knee-jerk empathetic feelings are telling you to do. In a culture where we've been increasingly taught-virtually indoctrinated-to "follow our passion" and to believe that empathy is a "universal solvent" that will disentangle all difficulties, pathologies of altruism can flourish. The unwitting result of this kind of altruism is detrimental for everyone.Altruism bias is the tendency to let our underlying judgment about whether something is good or bad flavor seemingly rational decisions. We see this type of thing playing out in politics all the time. If you support the president and his political party, then you'll find a way to generally support the president's decisions. Those very same decisions, if made by a president of the opposite political party, can arouse profound antagonism. If you want an aphorism for altruism bias, it's "all's fair in love and war." My sense is that eventually, we'll actually be able to see the brain's thumbs-up or thumbs-down heuristic, which is a nutshell version of altruism bias, in medical-imaging experiments. In other words, we'll be able to see how that sense of "this is good" can shape subsequent neural processing. Actually, it shouldn't be too hard to come up with neuroimaging experiments that demonstrate this.Codependency is a big problem in this country. One single book-"Codependent No More", by Melody Beattie, has sold over five million copies. Yet there is virtually no credible scientific research in this area. Why? My suspicion is that altruism bias leads scientists away from studying possible negative effects of empathy. In the edited book "Pathological Altruism" (Oxford University Press, 2012), psychiatrist Mike McGrath and I explored how little we truly know about codependency, and how scientists put themselves through virtual contortions to avoid studying anything to do with the phenomenon.Modern secular society members believe they are protected by their atheistic worldviews from religious superstitions. But evolutionary psychology has shown that we seem to have a biologically based propensity for spirituality. If you throw away organized religion, it doesn't mean that the pull for spirituality just disappears. It is simply shifted to something else. The central spiritual tenet of modern atheistic creeds seems to be that altruism is always good. Actually, modern atheistic, progressive thought often seems to share much in common with religious fundamentalism, right down to shunning and demonizing of those who don't think in the way they deem proper. Altruism has become a sacred, unquestionably good dogma in today's secular society, and that has profoundly shaped cultural mores, political discourse, and contemporary politics. Because altruism is sacred, as soon as you might question someone who says they are being altruistic, you unwittingly provoke a visceral, deeply religious reaction. The idea that altruism is always good is obviously false. There are thousands of ways to see this, ranging from giving too many cookies to a child, to philanthropy that helps horrific dictators, to genocide. But because people have heard little except of the benefits of empathy and altruism as they have grown up, it's very hard for them to see beyond the current paradigm-altruism is always good. People aren't taught that balanced rationality as well as emotion is important in truly helping others. Your emotions may tug at you, for example, to give your alcoholic brother that bottle he is begging for, but truly, acting against the tug of your emotion in this case is the best thing to do.Pathological altruism is an equal-opportunity offender of a concept. If we were now living in a society run by religious mullahs, concepts of pathological altruism would provide a powerful tool for understanding why the general population would be applauding the death by torture of free-speech advocates. I think that less-reflective partisans who might write a patently false headline would themselves be exemplifying altruism bias. These partisans would be happy to mischaracterize ideas of pathological altruism in order to protect what they subliminally regard as the sacred nature of altruism.The best disciplines to unpack pathological altruism should be psychology, sociology, and anthropology. But these disciplines have shown themselves to be among the worst offenders in demonstrating pathological altruism. Read Napoleon Chagnon's sadly magnificent book "Noble Savages: My Life among Two Dangerous Tribes-the Yanomamo and the Anthropologists". Chagnon's magnum opus gives a great sense of how unhinged some academic disciplines have become. Academics in the social sciences are presently so enraptured in the "empathy and altruism is always good" mindset that I really don't know how it could be easily changed. Textbooks, teaching methods, research methods-a whole academic culture is caught up in an almost revivalist agenda about empathy and altruism, all emerging from altruism bias. Personally, I don't think change will happen until we receive some dramatic cultural shock that allows reality to peep through the Pollyanna perspectives. Even when such shocks arise, it's still all too easy to pretend it isn't happening, it'll all go away, or it's really someone else's fault. I think neuroscience at present perhaps offers the best hope for the study of pathological altruism and altruism bias-but only if neuroscientists can reach beyond their usual academic silos and talk to thinkers outside the insular, often close-minded world of academia.Philosopher Eric Hoffer wondered, in his book "The True Believer," how people could be so caught up in mass movements that lead to so much horror. We need wonder no more. People often become entranced and entrenched in these horrific movements because, at the time, they believe they are helping others. Hitler himself noted that it was when he appealed to people's best traits-their sense of caring and hope for others-that he had them. Altruism is truly the best of human characteristics-and simultaneously the source of our worst.GOVERNMENT IS THE #1 ENEMY OF THE PEOPLE AND THE SOURCE OF ALL MAJOR PROBLEMS OF HUMANITY. ANARCHY IS THE BEST POLITICAL SYSTEM. BASIL VENITIS, MANAGEMENT CONSULTANT, FINANCIAL STRATEGIST, AND KEYNOTE SPEAKER, VENITIS@GMAIL.COM

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