I have been reading your blog for over 5 months now and I must say, you are doing a good job and I learn things whenever I visit the blog.
I am going to be done with my first degree in a few months and have also been dating this guy right from first year, so we've been dating for more than 3 years straight no breaks.. I do love him because of so many things, he's compassionate, Godly, intelligent, and all that good stuff.
This guy is my age mate (22 yrs old) so no one is thinking too far other than facing our studies. As I'm going to be done school before him and move back home which is 5 hours away from school, what's going to happen ? I tried talking to him about it but he says when the time comes we will talk about it.
A part of me wants to let go because this is my first relationship and I think I need a break to focus on me, also lets face the facts here we are both age mates, it's going to be long distance very soon. Do we continue to live in denial that our relationship does not have an expiry date ?
Am I wasting my time with this man ? btw he has only said he loves me just ONCE! which hurts sometimes because he does not like showing his emotions which makes it hard for me to ever express that lovey dovey part of me to him by saying "I love you...." also a part of me doesn't want to let go because it will hurt to see him with someone else if we decide to end things soon and he moves on quickly.
I will miss him as this is my first real relationship and he was my first too (do not judge!). So what do I do about this ? Do I really sit him down and talk about my concerns or wait till my last exam, kiss for the last time and go home, ? This article is (c) Copyright - All rights reserved www.wivestownhallconnection.com
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