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Thursday 15 November 2012

Best Of Our Blogs February 13 2015

Best Of Our Blogs February 13 2015
Talk to any mom and you'll get a good dose of something we all deal with on various levels-guilt and regret. The trick is how to alleviate those concerns instead of let it eat you and your self-worth alive.

Here's my guilty list of regrets:

1. Guilt over too much texting.

2. Guilt over the phone call I completely forgot to make.

3. Guilt over not spending enough time with my son.

4. Guilt for not spending enough time taking care of myself.

5. Guilt for letting him watch TV.

The list can go on and on, from minor regret to major mistake. That is, if I let it get that far.

The truth is every personal challenge whether defeat or error in judgment is an invitation in the art of practicing self-forgiveness and compassion. No matter how much energy we spend wishing we hadn't made that decision or said/ate/did that wrong thing, we can only move forward by accepting we're human and learning whatever lesson comes with that.

It's easy to get sucked into that big jello of self-pity and sit in that. It's much harder to step out of it and realize that while your mistakes are unique to you, we all experience and can't avoid them simply because we're human.

Communication: 10 Comforting Things To Say To Someone With Mental Illness

(Caregivers, Family & Friends) - You want to be there for your friend, but knowing what to say isn't easy. Sometimes we need to be taught how to communicate words of support, love and comfort-the very things your loved one with mental illness needs.

Do You Have Any Of These Borderline Traits?

(Therapy Soup) - You haven't been diagnosed with Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD). But if you're exhibiting even a few of these symptoms, it could be having a negative impact on your personal and professional life.

5 Types of Books That Are Great Psychology Teachers

(After Trauma) - Interested in books on psychology, psychotherapy and mental illness, but don't know where to start? Here's your go-to guide for life-changing and educational books.

10 Ideas for Single People on Valentine's Day!

(Reaching Life Goals) - If you've just ended a relationship or are unhappily single, you're probably not excited about the upcoming holiday. Here are several fun ideas that might just shift your feelings about it.

Every Breath You Take

(The Gentle Self) - The solution to your stress and even belly aches can be simply soothed through your breath. Read how here.


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