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Friday 2 November 2012

Men Are Ageist In Online Dating

Men Are Ageist In Online Dating


When it comes to online dating, men are repulsed by women who are older than they are, and MEN IN THEIR 30S SPEND AS MUCH TIME EMAILING TEENAGE GIRLS AS THEY DO WOMEN THEIR OWN AGE.

Women, on the other hand, besides wanting nothing to do with younger guys when they are young, are pretty open to dating men of all ages. Why is that? Because you never know what you're going to get with a man, no matter his age.

According to men who date online, A WOMANS DESIRABILITY PEAKS AT AGE 21, at which point it all goes downhill. AND AFTER AGE 31, A WOMAN IS WELL PAST HER PRIME FOR DATING.

What makes all of this so funny is that, AS WOMEN AGE, THEIR WILLINGNESS TO DELVE INTO SEXUAL DEPRAVITY INCREASES. They're more likely to perform oral sex, more likely to get involved in a threesome and are more likely to engage in casual sex.

So why the hell are all these men over 30 seeking women who are 18?

Of course, a woman's attractiveness tends to drop with age, but she doesn't just go from hot to hideous, so why are older men so hell-bent on finding younger women?

Something else of note from OKCupid's findings is that WOMEN ARE MORE SOUGHT AFTER THAN MEN UP UNTIL AGE 26, where women take a dip and men become the more pursued.

So OKCupid is essentially telling us what we already know and that it also applies to the online dating world as well. As women age, their value as useful human beings go down in the eyes of men.

But men, on the other hand, become more sought after and are hotter commodities once they get older.


Recommended books (downloadable pdfs):Elena Petrova - The Golden Rules Of Online Dating

Brian Caniglia - Getting The Most From Online Dating

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