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Wednesday 26 June 2013

When A Man Knows Hes Ready To Be Committed Advice From Men

When A Man Knows Hes Ready To Be Committed Advice From Men
It never ceases to amaze me, the amount of questions I'm asked by women about when a man knows he's ready to be committed. I always stop the woman mid-question. I tell her that the questions she's asking must first be sufficiently asked of herself. Then she must be accepting of the answers she would give as a response. This must take place well before a woman is ready for the answer to that longing question of commitment. If they're not willing to ask themselves or answer honestly for their sake; then I tell them they shouldn't waste they're time.

Moving beyond the formalities, I must admit that the question in and of itself is a very logical one. It even emanates from an internal space of true emotions. This simply means that if and when a woman asks this question they should feel confident in its legitimacy. Us men have a tendency to give you a confused looked whenever we're confronted with questions such as these. I will take it a step further by saying that its quite natural to want to know if a person is "into you". I may add, not just generically "into you" either. We're talking about being prepared to take the relationship to a collective, and public level of monagamy. We all know the unspoken rules of the relationship would suggest that two people in a relationship should be committed. However, we also know that committment without established boundaries do not exist.

Well woman, the answer to your question is summed up by the usual answers your girlfriends give you. Answers such as he'll show you by changing who he hangs out with; or he'll show you by cutting off some of his guy friends, bars, or frequency of his late nights out. These are true in many ways, but do not equate to the answer that you're truly yearning for. It is with some truth that men who are moving toward being in an exclusively monogamous relationship, begin making adjustments to their social life to show that they're more devoted to they're partners. The huge misconception and mistake women make in this process is the assumption that all men will do this is in absolute. Women assume they're guy will immediately display the behaviors of no bars, single guy friends, or late night hanging out. Well I'm sorry to tell you ladies, you couldn't be more wrong.

If a man gave all that up, in its entirety, you should look twice. Its counter to our nature to totally give up what's familiar, fun, and expresses freedom to be a man in the most primal form. So not to sound like a diagnosis from the shrink's couch, let's just say your man will not be doing that. The best way to make such an assessment is, changes in his comfort level and willingness to do those things that you as woman ready for total committment would want to do. Can he share space, time, and silence with you? Can he be seen publicly with you in places where he'd be viewed as a committed man with a committed woman? If you start racking up the yays in these categories, the chances are you're with a man that wants to be with you only. If the nays have it, don't automatically jump to the worse conclusions. It simply means that you're relationship just isn't progressing at a pace where you'd like it to be. This should be looked at as an opportunity. It will take a team effort to move forward. That is if moving forward together is the goal!


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