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Friday 10 January 2014

The Denial Of Reality Dor Fantasy And The Liberal Mind

The Denial Of Reality Dor Fantasy And The Liberal Mind
Have you noticed how every single tenant of Progressive ideology revolves around denying the blindingly obvious? It doesn't matter what the idea in question happens to be, it makes no difference to their barely self-aware minds. The amount of bluepillism that goes on amongst liberals, and to a slightly lesser extent conservatives, would be enough to declare someone mentally insane (or retarded) in an earlier time, but today it's accepted as normal that we should defer so strongly to such idiocy.

Take the economy, for instance:

The main take from the Left is that wealth needs to be redistributed so that the poor can be helped. The assumption is that the poor can't help themselves, which means they're inherently weak or deficient in some way. Liberals will never admit that, they'll never say they think the poor are genetically prohibited from being useful in anyway to society and that only the loving kindness from a bleeding heart leftists will save them. What the useful idiots will do is haggle for full-on wealth redistribution, completely oblivious to the fact that the poor suck at spending their own money and will almost always continue in their grinding poverty. You can't keep pouring water into a cup that has a hole in the bottom and expect it to fill up; in this case, the hole is their ignorance/unwillingness to spend their money wisely, while the water is simply stolen money (via taxation) from productive people. This is basic Denial of Reality (DOR), which is pretty standard on most liberal's lists. The requirement: You must believe that people that don't know how to spend money deserve it more than people that do.

Another example is science:

It simply does not matter how much evidence there is to the contrary, getting a liberal to believe the Earth is not being destroyed by mankind is like trying to put out a fire with gasoline: it'll just keep going no matter how much you give it. That's because its a religion to them, and a false religion at that. The dogma is "Mankind is destroying the planet, and only we can save it", their scientists are the priests, universities are their sanctuaries, Green Tech are their holy artifacts, leading environmentalists and CEOs are their high priests, Al Gore is their prophet, and statistics are their scriptures.

When it comes to showing factually that environmentalism is based on a lie, they immediately begin emoting fanatically about how the ice caps are melting, the polar bars are going extinct (okay, really, there's like 30,000 of them, how many do we really need?), the forests are being torn down, the Earth is being strip-mined, GLOBAL WARMING!111one, and the Earth is way over overpopulated. It takes a fair amount of city-dwelling to believe the entire planet is like that; it's not, we've got so much land we don't know what to do with it all. When you mathematically show that the entire human population could fit comfortably in an average county, they'll accuse you of being an anti-science, religious fundamentalist, a bigot, and a racist. Reason plays no part, the Noble Cause is all that matters, and the first step in one's transition from the real world into the dream world is closing one's eyes to reality.

Perhaps the most patently absurd DOR fantasy is the one regarding the sexes. Liberals would have us believe that we are exactly alike in every measurable way, that there are no differences between men and women, that women can do everything men can do, and that to assume otherwise is to hate women and want to return to the tempestuous days of the Salem Witch Trials. It's more like we want to return to the 1950s, those halcyon days of post-war prosperity and marital bliss that the despairing youth of today envy.

The real world states that women are most happy when they are caring for their husband and raising kids.

The dream world imagines that women should postpone having a family in favor of making powerpoint presentations, being an HR rep, or just dealing with the unsightly and unpleasant realities of the workforce.

The real world says that there's nothing wrong for women to stay at home raising their kids, and then starting a business later in life.

The dream world makes no exceptions for that kind of woman. No, it has to be they have a career for ten, fifteen, maybe twenty years and then start a family, by which time they can't because they ignored their biological clock for far too long.

The real world says that women are attracted to men that are confident, competent, and (lastly) caring. Men are attracted to women that are pretty, sweet, and affectionate.

The dream world says that women are attracted to men when they act nice and deferential and let women lead. Men are supposed to be attracted to strong, smart, and capable women that do their own thing.

What modern man has developed into is a charicature of his former self. He is soft, weak-willed, anxious, lacking in self-control, and slothful. Modern women are shallow, unfeminine, depth-less, foul-mouthed, and aggressive. This is not a dream, this is a nightmare, and it's made people miserable for decades. The fact of the matter is that men and women want different things out of life and each other; denying this can only bring people towards the unhappy middle, it cannot turn men into women and women into men, we simply cannot overcome our biology based solely on the mindless whims of progressive's in control of our culture and national media.

"More to come.... "


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