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Wednesday 29 September 2010

Pann Non Entertainment Kakaotalk Meme

Pann Non Entertainment Kakaotalk Meme
I know this isn't entertainment related but I thought it was really cute!


K-netizens have a lot of these popular 'skill' type tricks for girls without a lot of aegyo to use on their boyfriends. This one's a new popular one that's been going around and it basically has the girlfriend take the role of a telemarketer sending a text about 100 kisses.

The ideal situation would be something like this (you can see their screencaps of the convo at the source):

Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: Yes, I like video calls too!

Girlfriend: Thank you ^^ I was just going to inform you that you currently have 100 kisses that have not been claimed. If you do not claim them within the week, your girlfriend will be canceled. Thank you.

Boyfriend: Hul

But of course not everything turns out ideal so it makes for some hilarious situations for the boyfriends that don't exactly want to play along:


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: I'm busy

Girlfriend: You need to be available even if you are busy.

Boyfriend: Your message has been returned.

Girlfriend: Are you available for a KakaoTalk session?

Boyfriend: Your message has been returned.

Girlfriend: Stop

Girlfriend: This isn't how you're supposed to do it

Boyfriend: Your message has been returned.

Girlfriend: Stop

Boyfriend: Your message has been returned.

Girlfriend: Stop!

Boyfriend: Your message has been returned.

Girlfriend: This isn't what I wanted!

Boyfriend: What

Girlfriend: You have 100 unclaimed kisses!

Girlfriend: They're going to be canceled if you don't claim them!


Girlfriend: Screw you

Girlfriend: Eat poop


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: Sorry, I use KT service...


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: *read the text but never replied*


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: Yes, I'm available

Girlfriend: Thank you ^^ I was just going to inform you that you currently have 100 kisses that have not been claimed. If you do not claim them within the week, your girlfriend will be canceled. Thank you.

Boyfriend: Hul

Boyfriend: Oh no

Boyfriend: I'll claim them immediately


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: Yea

Girlfriend: Thank you ^^ I was just going to inform you that you currently have 100 kisses that have not been claimed. If you do not claim them within the week, your girlfriend will be canceled. Thank you.

Boyfriend: Please cancel


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: Yea

Girlfriend: Thank you ^^ I was just going to inform you that you currently have 100 kisses that have not been claimed. If you do not claim them within the week, your girlfriend will be canceled. Thank you.

Boyfriend: Can I trade 100 kisses for 10 french kisses instead

Girlfriend:...Oh my


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: I paid my bills already leave me alone


Girlfriend: Hello, client~ This is SY Telecom consultant OOO. Are you available for a KakaoTalk session at the moment?

Boyfriend: I have reported you for spam


Source: Nate Pann


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