5.3% [t524] basic establishment quotation intellectual property revelation initiator inventiveness filed patent application licensing article PSC sample weight cited technology transfer mercantile author copyright ham it up...
4.2% [t531] inventiveness harden entrepreneurship entrepreneurial companies factory owner firm enterprise industry commercialization businesses helpful f?te venture product bringing together economic development prudence company technologies...
3.5% [t433] social science social ICT technologies expert Cultivation usual sociology STS expert helpful silhouette human logic social scientist world inventiveness literary interdisciplinary disciplinary...
2.6% [t37] family clerical firm taking up bringing together inventiveness disdainful institutional action processes nonprofit theory silhouette organizational structure hand feature routine jam process authority...
2.3% [t26] silhouette policies congregation usual sort regulatory agency agencies National public policy policy maker politician helpful intimate act stakeholder authenticate tendency intelligence legislation...
1.5% [t692] innovation prophetic initiator fixed idea inventiveness thinking process product idea processes initiative feel intermission creative thinking conceptual skill metaphor remains creative process judgment...
1.4% [t370] questioning qualitative gathering coding data collection focus group data analysis province aside qualitative data code responses judgment coded book theory transcribed categories interviewed process...
1.4% [t523] irregular ham it up score analyses regression dependent variable sample independent variable treatment predictor disparity constituent sluggish feature sample size power suggestion covariate portion cost...
1.1% [t32] social social network ties perpetrator social capital status social interaction result socially Marxist friend exchange of ideas sociology duct feature ham it up pattern social structure person social science...
1.1% [t379] argument story clasp theory explanation philosophy initiative dialogue nature empirical deem conceptual meaning thoughtful import entreat evidence theories matter definition...
1.1% [t684] table databases information search file tie online format web alert usual jiffy stored comprehensive extract updated searche attached ma?tre d'h?tel data set...
1.0% [t736] slog job masterpiece work out hand helpful skill employer pay run prudence dwell on industry responsibility cut up labor market Organization eligible commercial vacation...
1.0% [t38] survey respondent sample the people survey data type Census demographic information responses feature data collection survey instrument ham it up response rate lineage sampling surveyed Receiver American...
0.9% [t654] supporting perpetrator control family power politic congregation social questioning institutional reform social movement helpful decree NGOs promoter authenticate civil society big business global...
0.9% [t95] communication usage team member dispersed virtual organization virtual bringing together distribution gathering family exchange of ideas clerical leadership virtual team authority attack processes teamwork socio technical Marxist...
0.8% [t51] women gender female male women faculty ride out variety enhancement institutional presentation idiom woman representation men women women science women stem position hall equity women men...
0.7% [t148] oblige leadership ability duct stakeholder raptness community education glimpse institutional reduce variety strategic key best practice Believe sustainability family local sustainable...
0.7% [t429] record write semantic dead body playing field verdict natural language information translation search map out NLP inconsiderate renovation annotated running corpora representation information retrieval linguistic...
0.7% [t363] bringing together human stakeholder permanence helpful setting social genuine silhouette ecosystem service ability sustainability decision making insubstantiality environment processes exchange of ideas upshot collection institutional...
0.7% [t85] ruling body small house working group steering committee advertisement family Head Legislative body NRC courier community work information association National RCN expert advice usual national council...
0.6% [t49] history forgotten century American annals historian book annals remove war archival histories Cultivation world British colonial late period 19th era...
0.6% [t689] duct connectivity tie central network structure network model network analysis complex network flow evolution topology dynamic network network data within network unified node connect network dynamic network topology topological...
0.6% [t178] pillar pursuit caring invitation return go with confront track record player play a part go fast public good ruthless helpful social burial gathering payment price tag finding the middle ground...
0.6% [t424] interdisciplinary multidisciplinary cross disciplinary province ample exchange of ideas disciplinary integrated grow multi disciplinary integration feel interdisciplinary team oblige integrative education expert across discipline interdisciplinary collaboration integrating...
0.6% [t71] nature standard get as far as benign emotion bottomless compose rate when all's said and done cause fashion look logic employing afford service deem tolerate hold coordinate...
0.6% [t180] prediction lifelike interactive near dream chocolate box visualization tool visualizing seek representation portrait information being graphical data visualization visually visualized visual analytic check up sidle...
0.5% [t316] gathering ham it up paradigm implicit attitude pest derogatory social inclination prejudice positive name-calling psychological motivation identity trait person intergroup stereotype threat judgment...
0.5% [t19] financial reservoir advance tax job loan insurance payment helpful burial wealth intimate congregation debt receptacle sponsorship deposit understanding championship financial system...
0.5% [t600] constituent result feature irregular won over feel influencing import affected probing coins exchange of ideas factor influence type shaping tender previous studies inquiries suggested investigating...
0.5% [t219] human cognitive psychology cognition sign behavioral action cognitive science brilliancy exchange of ideas judgment multimodal psychological slot machine dialogue human behavior mental communication body mind...
0.5% [t93] f?te price asset financial stockpile sponsorship venture attract portfolio do up changeability deposit buccaneer trading pricing helpful real optimal portfolios wealth...
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